Saturday, August 31, 2019

African Migration Essay

The African origin of early modern humans 200,000–150,000 years ago is now well documented, with archaeological data suggesting that a major migration from tropical east Africa to the Levant took place between 130,000 and 100,000 years ago via the presently hyper-arid Saharan-Arabian desert. The path out of East Africa leads across North Africa, through the Nile corridor, and across the Red Sea, or across the Indian Ocean and the strait of Bab el Mandeb to the Arabian peninsula and beyond to Eurasia. Most of this interconnected landmass of the so-called Old World, the continental area encompassing Africa, Europe, and Asia, received migrants from East Africa by about 1.5 million years ago. This migration was dependent on the occurrence of wetter climate in the region. Whereas there is good evidence that the southern and central Saharan-Arabian desert experienced increased monsoon precipitation during this period, no unequivocal evidence has been found for a corresponding rainfall increase in the northern part of the migration corridor, including the Sinai-Negev land bridge between Africa and Asia. The major feature of world populations through time is their increasing numbers. It is likely that many early human migrations resulted from the pressure of such demographic increases on limited food resources; disease, drought, famine, war, and natural disaster figure among the most important causes of early human migrations. Approximately 100,000 years ago, the first migrations of Homo sapiens out of their African homeland likely coincided with the ability to use spoken language and to control fire. Over the next 87,000 years humans migrated to every continent, encompassing a wide variety of natural environments. The Americas were the last continents to be reached by Homo sapiens, about 13,000 years ago. Why these earliest migrants left Africa to colonize the world is a complex, important question. The answer is likely to be found in a web of interrelated factors centered around human behavior, specifically behavior selected to reduce risk and increase the individuals’ fitness for survival. Calculated migration must have resulted from information sharing, alliance building, memory, and the ability to negotiate— all skills that necessarily accompanied increasingly complex social and cultural groups. The increasing complexity of existence inevitably led hominids out of Africa, resulting in a global distribution of diverse human groups. Increasing population may have prodded the migration of some groups. Armed with the attributes of culture, the distinctive, complex patterns of behavior shared by human groups, humans eventually adapted to and conquered virtually all global environments. Whatever the nature of human origins, whenever or wherever human societies and cultures first appeared, the peopling of our globe has been a product of migration from place to place. Given the small numbers of people and the vast distances they traversed, and considering their technologically limited modes of transportation, the movement of people around the globe seems miraculous. The examples of global colonization described below depended on interactions between people and between people and their environments. Gradually, sometime during the Middle Stone Age (perhaps 100,000 to 200,000 years ago), distinct patterns of interaction among humans and between them and the landscapes in which they lived emerged. Because the distinctive physical and social environments to which humans adapted were themselves constantly changing, cultures too continually changed. That early humans acquired technological and social skills can be inferred from widespread evidence of their material culture—stone tools and utensils, carved figurines, rock and cave art, and the like, dating from about 40,000 years ago—which has been found in most parts of the globe. The development of language unquestionably furthered the social and technological evolution of humans and facilitated systems of reciprocity and social exchange. For example, the division of labor in food production and the exchange and transportation of goods and products were greatly expedited by speech. Being able to assign different tasks to different individuals furthered cooperation and fueled the processes of social and cultural evolution.

Friday, August 30, 2019


In various times Mongols have been equated with the Scythians, the Magog and the Turkic peoples. Based on Chinese historical texts the ancestry of the Mongol peoples can be traced back to the Donghu, a nomadic confederation occupying eastern Mongolia and Manchuria. The identity of the Xiongnu is still debated today. Although some scholars maintain that they were proto-Mongols, the fact that Chinese histories trace certain Turkic tribes from the Xiongnu complicates the issue. 10] The Donghu, however, can be much more easily labeled proto-Mongol since the Chinese histories trace only Mongolic tribes and kingdoms (Xianbei and Wuhuan peoples) from them, although some historical texts claim a mixed Xiongnu-Donghu ancestry for some tribes (e. g. the Khitan). [11] The Donghu are mentioned by Sima Qian as already existing in Inner Mongolia north of the state of Yan in 699-632 BC. Mentions in the Lost Book of Zhou (Yizhoushu) and the Shanhaijing indicate the Donghu were also active during the Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC).The Mongolic-speaking Xianbei formed part of the Donghu confederation, but had earlier times of independence, as evidenced by a mention in the Guoyu (â€Å" † section) which states that during the reign of King Cheng of Zhou (reigned 1042–1021 BC) the Xianbei came to participate at a meeting of Zhou subject-lords at Qiyang ( ) (now Qishan County) but were only allowed to perform the fire ceremony under the supervision of Chu (? ), since they were not vassals by covenant ( ).The Xianbei chieftain was appointed joint guardian of the ritual torch along with Xiong Yi. These early Xianbei came from the nearby Zhukaigou culture (2200-1500BC) in the Ordos Desert where maternal DNA corresponds to Mongolic Daurs and Evenks (Tungusified Xianbei). The Zhukaigou Xianbei (part of the Ordos culture of Inner Mongolia and northern Shaanxi) had trade relations with the Shang dynasty (1600-1046BC). The Zhou clan lived near the Beidi (who included the Xianbei) for 14 generations before moving to the Central Plains in middle Shaanxi under Gugong Danfu).Another closely connected core Mongolic Xianbei region was the Upper Xiajiadian culture (1000-600 BC) where the Donghu confederation was centered. After the Donghu were defeated by Modu Chanyu the Xianbei and Wuhuan survived as the main remnants of the confederation. Tadun Khan of the Wuhuan (died 207 AD) was the ancestor of the proto-Mongolic Kumo Xi. [12] In 49 AD the Mongolic Xianbei ruler Bianhe (Bayan Khan? ) raided and defeated the Xiongnu, killing 2000, after having received generous gifts from Emperor Guangwu of Han.The Xianbei reached their peak under Tanshihuai Khan (reigned 156-181) who expanded the vast, but short lived, Xianbei state. Xianbei Empire under Tanshihuai (141-181) Three prominent proto-Mongol groups split from the Xianbei, as recorded by the Chinese histories: the Nirun (claimed by some to be the Avars), the Khitan and the Shiwei (a sub-tribe called the â⠂¬Å"Shiwei Menggu† is held to be the origin of the Genghisid Mongols). [13] Besides these three Xianbei groups, there were other Xianbei groups with Mongolic affiliation such as the Murong, Duan and Tuoba.Their culture was nomadic, their religion Shamanism or Buddhism and their military strength formidable. There is still no direct evidence that the Nirun spoke a Mongolic language, although most scholars agree that they were proto-Mongolic. [14] The Khitan, however, had two scripts of their own and many Mongolic words are found in their half-deciphered writings that are usually found with a parallel Chinese text (for example, nair=sun, sair=moon, tau=five, jau=hundred, m. r=horse, im. a=goat, n. q=dog, m. ng=silver, ju. un=summer, n. m. ur=autumn, u. ul=winter, heu. ur=spring, tau. l. a=rabbit, t. q. a=hen and m. g. o=snake). [15] There is no doubt regarding the Khitan being proto-Mongol. [16] Asia in 500 AD, showing the Nirun (Juan-Juan) Empire and its neighbors Geographicall y the Tuoba Xianbei ruled Inner Mongolia and northern China, the Nirun (Yujiulu Shelun was the first to use the title Khagan in 402) ruled Outer Mongolia, the Khitan were concentrated in Southern Manchuria north of Korea and the Shiwei were located to the north of the Khitan.These tribes and kingdoms were soon overshadowed by the rise of the Gok-Turks in 555, the Uyghurs in 745 and the Yenisei Kirghizs in 840. The Tuoba were eventually absorbed into China. The Rouran fled west from the Gok-Turks and either disappeared into obscurity or, as some say, invaded Europe as the Avars under their Khan Bayan I. Some Rouran under Tatar Khan migrated east founding the Tatar tribes, who became part of the Shiwei. The Khitan, who were independent after their separation from the proto-Mongol Kumo Xi (ofWuhuan origin) in 388 AD, continued as a minor power in Manchuria until one of them, Abaoji (872-926), established the Khitan Liao Dynasty (907-1125). The Khitan fled west after their defeat by the Tungusic Jurchens (later known as Manchus) and founded the Kara-Khitan or Western Liao dynasty (1125–1218) in eastern Kazakhstan. In 1218 Genghis Khan destroyed the Kara-Khitan Kingdom after which the Khitan passed into obscurity. The modern-day minority of Mongolic-speaking Daurs in China are their direct descendants based on DNA evidence. [17][18] The Shiwei included a tribe called the Shiwei Menggu. 19] Bodonchar Munkhag (Chagatai tradition dates ‘Buzanjar Munqaq' to the rebellion of Abu Muslim or 747 AD. [20]) the founder of the House of Borjigin and the ancestor of Genghis Khan is held to be descended from the Shiwei Menggu. The early Shiwei paid tribute to the Tuoba Wei (386-534) and submitted to the Khitans. After the Khitans left Mongolia the Shiwei Mongols rose to prominence, when from the 1130s there were reciprocally hostile relations between the successive khans of the Khamag Mongol confederation (Khaidu, Khabul Khan and Ambaghai Khan) and the emperors of t he Jin dynasty.With the expansion of the Mongol Empire, the Mongols settled over almost all Eurasia and carried on military campaigns from the Adriatic Sea to Java and from Japan to Palestine. Mongols simultaneously became Padishahs of Persia, Emperors of China, Great Khans of Mongolia and one Mongol even became Sultan of Egypt (Al-Adil Kitbugha). The Mongols of the Golden Horde established themselves to govern Russia by 1240. [21] By 1279, the Mongols conquered the Song Dynasty and brought all of China under control of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. 21] With the breakup of the Empire, the dispersed Mongols quickly adopted the mostly Turkic cultures surrounding them and were assimilated, forming parts of Tatars (not confused with a tribe in ancient Mongolia), Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Yugurs and Moghuls; linguistic and cultural Persianization also began to be prominent in these territories. However, most of the Mongols returned to Mongolia, retaining their language and culture. After the fall of t he Yuan Dynasty in 1368 the Mongols established their independent regime as Northern Yuan.However, the Oirads or Western Mongols began to challenge the Eastern Mongols under the Borjigin monarchs in the late 14th century. Present-day Khalkha Mongols and Inner Mongolians are the most prominent of the remaining Eastern Mongols while the Kalmyks (formerly Oirats) in Europe are the main descendants of the Western Mongols. The Khalkha emerged during the reign of Dayan Khan (1464–1543) as one of the six tumens of the Eastern Mongols. They quickly became the dominant Mongol clan in Outer Mongolia.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Can negotiations occur without trust

Can negotiations occur without trust BY Richer The nature of negotiation and its process constitutes a number of various factors that leads to an effective or ineffective process and outcome. One of the primary purposes of a negotiation is to come an agreement with another party by exchanging offers and to find solutions to a common issue, â€Å"whenever we cannot achieve our objectives single-heartedly' (Thompson, 2009).Some believe that in order to conduct a negotiation, trust is an utmost important factor as negotiators depend on the information provided by the other party, on the outcomes to which the parties omit throughout the negotiation process, and on the other party to deliver the commitments (Licked, Poplin, 2013). This essay aims to discuss whether trust is a precondition for negotiation. As such, it will attempt to reach to a deeper understanding of trust in a negotiation, before understanding how it may influence the outcome, and whether a negotiation may take place be tween us and the people whom we do not trust.Examples of trust and distrust within negotiations are given, before the essay will conclude with reasons why it is impossible to successfully negotiate with people whom we do not trust. Trust is commonly defined as a confident and positive expectation of the actions of another party (Lessons, Smith, 2012). Trusting gives us the assumption that the other party would meet the expectation by considering our welfare and honoring their commitment towards the agreement.Trust in negotiations, like in any other independent relationships, is characterized by dependency and vulnerability to the other party. Trust in this case, according to Lessons, implies to the positive expectation to sought common solutions to create value, integrate interests, and find mutually beneficial solutions (Lessons, Smith, 2012). This brings us to the characteristic of an integrative negotiation, which seeks to create value and achieving joint gains. In such cases, ne gotiators are in dependence to each or one another for the sharing or exchange of information.According to Licked and Poplin, even though a negotiator may have a certain level of doubt in the other party, he or she still has to have at least a bit of trust, otherwise, it may be impossible to accept anything the other party says at face value or reach a viable agreement (Licked, Poplin, 2013). As a result, being constantly afraid and doubtful with what is being shared would not low us to take a step further. This is further aggravated by the fact that negotiators may not be able to verify the received information.Here, trust is more about acceptance rather than further scrutiny and serves as stepping-stones to have an exchange of information during the negotiation process. Without trust, we are not able to move on further to create solutions and agreements based on the information received. As such, the negotiation is impossible to proceed further due to an absence of trust. In a neg otiation, many parties tend to focus on positions, not interests. The relevance f how interests could halt a negotiation seems to interlink with the problem of having trust.If we do not trust the other party, we lack an openness to share our objectives and understand their interests in the negotiation. In an example of the story shared by (Fisher, Our, 2006), two men were in conflict in a library as one wanted the window open and the other wanted it closed. Both could not come to an agreement on how much to leave the window open. When a third party, the librarian asked why both mean wanted it closed or open, one shared that he wanted to get fresh air, but the other wanted to avoid the draft (Fisher, Our, 2006).Here, we can see how both men focused on the position, the â€Å"what†, and not each other's interests, the â€Å"why'. As such, we can see that without understanding each other's interest, both men came into conflict and could not negotiate on a solution. As a result, it then becomes virtually impossible to really identify or appreciate the problem that actually needs to be addressed (Fisher, Our, 2006). To build on this, trust is extremely important as it serves as a foundation for understanding each other's interest before working on the solutions or agreements.Without trust, both parties will not seek to understand each other, and end up being fixated on their positions due to their own interests. This prevents both parties to successfully negotiate on the issue. In order to negotiate, trust is important in order to avoid retaliation due to a conflict of views and ideas. Without trust, every solution and idea will be met with suspicion and skepticism. This lack of trust not only inhibits cooperation and successful negotiation, it may also result in retaliation that causes the escalation of conflict (Coleman, et al. 2000). In addition, according to (Kramer, 1994), this may even result n paranoid cognitions in which one may feel that he or she is subject to the other party malevolence. These perceptions may then drive him or her to the point of hyper vigilance and rumination, resulting in a faulty diagnosis of the result of working with the other party (Licked, 2006). As such, conflicts would then arise, as the negotiator would increasingly focus on his or her position, and end up reluctant to come into agreement.The negotiation will then come to an impasse as both sides end up using their negative perceptions to retaliate each other, causing the conflict to escalate beyond control. As explained above, trust seems to be indispensable in order to negotiate. However, according to a writer Bonnie Change, claiming trust is necessary for all negotiation seem to be an overstatement as the significance of trust is culture and context specific (Change, 2009). In her example of how two people may conduct a negotiation without trust, she gave a scenario of negotiation with hostage- takers.A negotiator and a hostage-taker do not kno w each other and thus, will not have any trust between them. However, both of them may still engage in a negotiation to lay down the benefits of letting the hostage go. The negotiator's main objective is to talk the hostage-taker into revealing information about him or herself, and find out what kind of concessions to make for the release of the hostage. The hostage-taker's main objective is to use the hostage to obtain what he or she needs, including the escape from the crime.The succession of the negotiation in such cases are a result of the weight of the gains and losses, depending on which side has more power to influence the outcome. For example, if the hostage were to be a high profile person, the hostage-taker would have more power to negotiate through to his or her wants. Therefore, through this example, negotiations may occur even though both parties do not trust each other. According to (Choc, 2013), should there be no trust between two parties, relying on formal legal mec hanisms such as preparing contracts are constructive ways to proceed with a negotiation.These formalized documents remind people of what they had agreed upon and serves as documentation, minimizing miscommunication that may occur if a deal is made based on fertilization. Creation of such agreements usually requires elaborate consequences and penalties for violating the terms of agreement (Licked, Poplin, 2013). These consequences of violation commonly includes penalties such as monetary compensations and mechanisms such as law and the police force will be brought in to become part of the system of enforcement, should any agreements be violated.With a contract to force people to keep to a certain agreement, trust is not required in order for a negotiation to occur. We meet new people everyday, and sometimes, negotiations may occur whether or not we know the person. Of course, trust is not immediately established. Rather, like impressions, our Judgments of trustworthiness can occur ra pidly at the start of a stagnation. This trustworthiness may result from what the negotiator has learned about the other party's reputation. For example, if I wanted to buy something for a shop owner for the first time, I will naturally exhibit skepticism in the shop owner and the quality of the goods.However, if I see a crowd at the shop with people snapping up the items, naturally, I would have the trust in the shop owner that the goods sold would be good. Here, we can see how the reputation of a person may easily create trust in us, towards the other party, even if we were to be meeting for the first time. In addition, many negotiations seek trust as the objective and continue to build trust throughout the negotiation process. In the example of the negotiation with a hostage taker, the negotiator and hostage-taker may have not trust between each other at the very start.However, along the way, trust is built when both sides seek to understand the concessions that they can make, in order to gain what they want. While these initial impressions may also change as a negotiation unfolds, they create a powerful frame for interpreting the other party behavior and also provide a heuristic for duding negotiators' strategy choices (Lessons, Smith, 2012). As such, trust is important to keep a negotiation process going, and it is definitely an important factor to determine the relationship and outcome of the negotiation with the other party.As such, we cannot negotiate with people whom we do not trust. Earlier, contract binding was mentioned as a way where negotiation may occur even if there is no trust between two parties. Here, it is true that the two parties may have no personal trust in each other. However, according to Shapiro, even if there may be o personal trust, an institutional trust, also known as trust in a system, is what is present, leading to the creation of contract making (Shapiro et al. , 1992). With a trust in the legal enforcement system, it also cre ates a deterrence-based trust in order for a negotiation to proceed.Shapiro further added that this is a basic and ‘minimal condition' of trust in all negotiations (Shapiro et al. , 1992). This depends on the consistency in behavior and the threat of punishment if they do not maintain their promises to a certain commitment, and violate the documented agreements. In edition, it also depends on the gains for adhering to the agreements, such as rewards. Thus, the mentioned forms of trust will still be present even if we may have no personal trust.According to (Licked, 2000), even the most complex and sophisticated formal contract cannot stipulate every detail or possible contingency about the deal. Therefore, having personal trust in the other party is still critical. Without personal trust, a negotiation would not occur. This essay aims to discuss whether it is possible to negotiate with people whom we do not trust. Trust in this case, refers to having a positive expectation of the other arty and allowing ourselves to be dependent and vulnerable to the other party.There may seem to be cases where we may not have personal trust in a person and yet will still be able to negotiate. However, as mentioned in the essay, it may seem that trust is not present, but we may have a different form of trust, an institutionalized trust and most definitely, a deterrence based trust to ensure that we do not fall victim to breaches in agreements. The essay may show that it requires trust to form only cooperative agreements. However, likewise in competitive negotiations, it can still occur as deterrence based trust will be present to ensure hat agreements are not breached.As mentioned in the essay, without trust, we will only focus on our own objectives and interests and thus, will not allow the other party to gain anything. As a result, the negotiation will only come to an impasse if agreements cannot be made. In addition, without trust, we will be suspicious and skeptical of the information that is shared with us. This causes us to develop paranoid conditions and result in a conflict instead of being able to negotiate. To conclude, it is certainly critical to have some form of trust in a negotiation. However, it s also good to have relative trust, rather than an absolute trust.Having a fair share of distrust will definitely help us draw caution to what concessions we make. Ultimately, we cannot negotiate with people we do not trust at all. Trust will enable both parties to reach a solution that is needed or accepted by both sides, when we are not able to achieve them on our own.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The City, the Subject and the Digital Image Essay

The City, the Subject and the Digital Image - Essay Example Urban alienation, therefore, becomes a favored subject in the works of literature and visual arts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Red Road, an impressive, idiosyncratic and directorial debut by Andrea Arnold, the winner of the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival of 2006, is a suspense thriller known for its complex structure and theme of alienation. This movie is the first of three films that originated as a part of Lars von Trier’s post-Dogma Advance Party project, wherein Arnold and two other new directors were to create three low-budget DV films in different genres around a minimally outlined set of characters that are to be played by the same group of actors. The movie unfolds with the theme of abuse of information through the electronic surveillance devised by the governments of the twentieth century. Electronic surveillance, which is practiced for the benefit of the public for their social coherence and protection, in fact becomes a tool in the hands of some who desire more from the society. The modern surveillance technology is effective in delivering virtual truth through the proliferation of high-resolution cameras that are largely looming over urban areas. If this can be seen as a mode of protection, then it can also be identified as a fine example of modern authoritarianism that is progressively diminishing our privacy. In Red Road, we find electronic surveillance becoming a personalized virtual power used by the protagonist to serve her purpose of revenge. Plot:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Set in Glasgow, Red Road depicts the story of Jackie (Kate Dickie), who is a low-paid CCTV operative whose duty is to scan the northern side of the city and to alert the emergency services to events like stabbings and muggings that require their presence. Jackie is in her thirties who is devoid of family and friends and her life, mostly robotic, is limited to the occasional smiles that occur while watching over the normal life of ordinary folks on-screen. She clo sely monitors the many CCTV cameras from a lonely dark room and passes her time by watching the life of those people who live nearer to cameras. Her routine is disrupted when she spots Clyde (Tony Curran), the man responsible for the deaths of her husband and young child, who is in parole for good behavior. Jackie tries to gather some dirt on Clyde by misusing her position of CCTV operator. In vengeance, she begins to remotely pursuit Clyde and to learn more of his life she even begins to physically stalking Clyde. Clyde, who shares a flat in the Red Road Estate with the disturbed youngsters Stevie (Martin Compston) and April (Natalie Press), draws himself closer to Jackie. Jackie, after several meetings, sleeps with Clyde and then accuses him of rape. Clyde's attempts to re-unite with his own teenage girl dissolve the hatred in Jackie and she drops the charges. The movie ends with a positive note, wherein we find Jackie reconciling with her in-laws and is contemplating a future. An alysis: Choosing Glasgow for the plot invites our attention and appreciation as the city serves as a location where the story unwinds, characters meet and explore their own racial and sexual identities. Being a city Glasgow captures the consciousness of its citizens and accentuated social cohesion, where every citizen is dependent on each other for their very existence. The city through its

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Social Media for Small to Medium Enterprises Essay - 2

Social Media for Small to Medium Enterprises - Essay Example Small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs play a crucial role in any national economy. They are a major source of employment and foster socio-economic expansion (Taprial & Kanwar 2012). To foster the achievement of their objectives, a majority of these SMEs leverage on IT-based tools to increase information content and creativity (Belo, Castela & Fernandes 2013; Laudon & Traver 2010). With this regard, many SMEs have incorporated social media strategy in their operations so as to realise the benefits that IT offers in their businesses. Joosten (2012) generally describes social media as technological systems that enhance collaboration and connection by creating personal and corporate profiles, sharing of opinions, activities and information and content creation. Among the many social media networks, Schwartz (2010) documents Twitter and Facebook as the most popular. SMEs have established their presence in a majority of these platforms. Anoto Group AB is an example of an SME that has embraced the use of social media in its operations. This Swedish high-tech company provides solutions for transmitting handwritten text from hard copies to digital media, intelligent camera surveillance and scanning printed text (Anoto Group AB 2013). To reach out to its customers and all other stakeholders, the company has presence on Twitter, Flickr and YouTube social media sites. With only 103 employees spread across Sweden, UK, US and Japan, the company is an example of modern SMEs that have adopted new IT features as change drivers to enable them gain sustainable competitive advantage over their rivals. Indeed, just like Anoto AB, many other SMEs have embraced the strategy of using social media to achieve their objectives. Meske and Stieglitz (2013) observe that 24% of small enterprises structurally use social media with another 20% using it informally. For medium-sized organisations, the

The Effect Of Hamiltonian And Jeffersonian Political Philosophy On The Essay

The Effect Of Hamiltonian And Jeffersonian Political Philosophy On The Development Of American Political Attitudes Between 1790 And 1860 - Essay Example In the history of America’s development, there are two key political figured referred to as the core of the nation’s political division: Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. The philosophies and political ideas of these two philosophers inspired several political actions in essential events during our great nation’s birth in the 1820s. On the side of Hamilton, the government was supposed to address people matters meaning that there should be the establishment of federal law controlling the states and focusing on financial gain. On the other hand, Jefferson believed that the government had no responsibility to deal with state affairs and the people’s rights. Since these two sides were contradicting, some people believed that establishing the two parties was not a good idea, while others believed that these parties would result to a bizarrely moderate nation. On the right side of Hamilton, the government was supposed to address people matters meaning tha t there should be the establishment of federal law controlling the states and focusing on financial gain. During the Marbury V. Madison’s case, federalist Marbury William did not get the position as a Supreme Court member as he expected from the current president during that time, Thomas Jefferson withheld the official documents. Therefore, it happened that Marshall insisted for his new governmental position not for political or moral standing, but the reason of wealth and status he was to gain, making his requirements not to politically harm President Jefferson, but due to status and financial gain it would cost him (DBQ #9. Doc .8). The political leaders had feared that, the citizens were educated and wild enabling them to run themselves. For instance, there was the Shay’s Rebellion whereby threads of U.S. laws were about to be undone through mass rioting, which were uncontrollable, in which Massachusetts’ federalist gave a talk on the recent episodes, arguing that there existed an â€Å"excess of democracy† amongst the American people, strengthening Federalist support until the 1812 War (DBQ #5, Doc. #9). However, the Federalists often came up with opportunistic plans. An example was Federalist John Randolph who realized how simple it would be to seize land from British colony while it was busy concentrating with its war in France (DBQ #7, Doc. #3). These federalist parties’ policies for financial gain and Federal control were essential for ensuring a realistic government, although often brought conflict from those whose beliefs were from the Jeffersonian left side. On the other hand, Jefferson had a belief that the government had no responsibility to deal with state’s affairs and the people’s rights. Such people acted against the government’s actions that would affect peoples' affairs and rights like the 1798 Sedition Act. The government, according to this Act was to limit what the press would say and represent (DBQ #6, doc. #5). Politicians such as Democratic-Republican George Hay protested about the Act arguing that it was unconstitutional and had limitations on Americans’ liberties (DBQ #6, DOC. #8). They also portrayed a negative attitude towards the 1812 War, whereby people such as Democratic-Republic Huge Nelson stated that the war was not only about British threatening on the financial operations, but about also contravening the American’s rights, which British had captured and armed (DBQ #7, DOC. #7). Their liberty belief was extended by those who had the education and wealth. Whereby, in the year 1821 Democrats such as Nathan Stanford worked tirelessly to ensure that all whites had voting rights including adult men, non-Irish, and all those who were qualified to vote claiming that voting rights should be for all qualified citizens but not the educated and the rich (DBQ #8, DOC. #1). People from these two parties

Monday, August 26, 2019

Individual Case Study Assignment (4,000 words) Business Synoptic ( Essay - 1

Individual Case Study Assignment (4,000 words) Business Synoptic ( adjustments) 3 - Essay Example The firm has therefore established its core growth strategic management, a continuous expansion, domestically and globally (Furman, 2005). Thus, an effective marketing management stratagem has been formulated. There are four major elements involved in Wal-Mart’s competitive strategic management and market approach. These include situation analysis, strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation (Bivens, 2006). Wal-Mart has therefore aggressively expanded globally especially in the emerging markets of China and India by applying these concepts through strategic management inherently encompassing marketing management. The company’s main strategic management approach is thus underpinned when the firm devises methods that can bring about a competitive advantage to its market segment (Johnson et al, 2006, Pg.242). In the control of the retail markets, Wal-Mart has devised a marketing strategy based on discounting its products while retaining high standards as envisioned by founder Sam Walton ( The firm has efficient supply chain management systems including its overseas networks particularly China thus gaining a competitive edge (Vance and Scott, 1994, Pg.119). In its domestic strategy, the firm originally expanded into small towns, but has since captured other rivals territories in the major city centres and globally by applying high quality service and discounting policies (Vance and Scott, 1994, Pg.69). Wal-Mart other competitive strategy correlated to its market strategies is encouraging branches or own stores to compete against each subsequently locking out other competing firms as the firm’s diverse stores fiercely vie for the local market segment (Quinn, 2000, Pg.115). Through some intensive advertising campaigns, Wal-Mart strategic management approach concurrent to its marketing tactics has been positively promotion of its brand name as

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Understanding IEP Meetings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Understanding IEP Meetings - Essay Example The special education teacher is very instrumental in addressing the special and individualized needs of the learner. The special education teacher provides recommendations on how the special learner can succeed in the learning process; for example, giving front row seat to the learner with short vision. The local school district representative ensures that the school administrating and teachers effectively implement the conditions set in the IDEA 2004. Example includes, providing appropriate individualized education to the student requiring special learning attention (Friend, 2012). The school psychologist is also another IEP team member. His/her role entails addressing the psychosocial needs of the student; for example, ensuring that the student is in a fit mental state so as to enhance learning. The student is the most important member in the team. The student is required to explain the challenges that he/she experiences in the learning process. The private therapist caters for th e emotional, social and psychological interests of the student. Example entails, guiding the students on the most appropriate approach of relating and communicating with fellow students and teachers, so as to improve learning process (Kamens, 2014). The care provider has the key responsibility of positively guiding the student in all learning activities. The family friend is also critical in socially guiding the student towards adopting positive learning activities. The final member of the IEP team is the reading or behavior expert. The expert is expected to provide professional opinion, in regards to approaches of improving education and related activities of the special student (Patterson, 2013). The chapter 5 video illustrates the IEP team members who took part in the meeting. The required members were present in the meeting. The student, Dominic, was adequately accompanied by his parent. The dad is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Women driving in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Women driving in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example Due to this, it should impose stringent measures to ensure that women do not drive in public and instead leave driving to men. Women should not be allowed to drive freely as men do and they should not drive cars in men’s presence as this contradicts the Islamic laws (Macfarquhar n.d). Due to this, any woman found driving in presence should be arrested since she would have violated the government laws and lack of respect of Islamic laws. On the other hand, I think women should be allowed to drive since driving is not a reserve for men (Wollstonecraft 56). Banning women from driving is a sign of an oppressive society that does not care about the welfare of other people. Additionally, with persistence discrimination and subordination of women in Saudi Arabia, women lack self –confidence and esteem. In this case, it will be difficult for Saudi Arabia to attain gender equality by the year 2015 as enshrined in the millennium development

Friday, August 23, 2019

Should the university cancel on-line courses Essay - 1

Should the university cancel on-line courses - Essay Example The results of such studies insinuated that the positive perception regarding online education has continued to grow. Apart from the previously mentioned driving factors, the study also revealed that its growth is facilitated by the increase in the adult population who seek education. It has also grown because most school leaders have endorsed it as an equally competitive option. Above all, the advancement in the information technology concepts has triggered the adoption of online education. This paper focuses on discussing whether universities and colleges should cancel online courses. The initial theory and stand of the argument is that online education provides an alternative that is equally competitive in every aspect compared to the traditional or classroom learning approach. For this reason, higher learning institutions should not cancel online education. One of the most obvious reasons why online courses should not be rescinded is owed to the flexibility and convenience presented by the education system (Ni, 205). The learning system allows individuals who have tight schedules such as working mothers, to access education at their convenient time. Other people who exist in the same category include managers and students who wish to pursue multiple courses at the same time. In this context, such people can access education without interfering with other equally important agendas. On the same context, it helps students to access education without being inconvenienced by longer distances of separation between the location of the institutions and their locations. Secondly, it provides alternatives for students who cannot find their preferred courses in the universities near them without having to relocate to other regions. Studying online is also advantageous because the web is full of different kinds of information that may support students study progress.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Great Depression Essay Example for Free

The Great Depression Essay A time of great hardship came to the people of Australia from 1929 to 1932. This time was known as the Great Depression were the economy of the state drops. Australia is not the only nation affected and many other nations as well. However, Australia is said to have been one of the most affect and hardest-hit country due to its high dependence on exports. â€Å"Australia’s dependence o n the world market left her extraordinarily vulnerable to world market fluctuations† (Spenceley, p. 14). Since the Great Depression was a time of crisis not only for Australia but for the whole world, Australia was affected greater than other nations. As a result, more and more people loss their jobs. By that time, even the women and youth tried to find ways to earn money. It was a time of hardship, hunger and conflict. Even before the time of the Great depression unemployment rate in Australia is high reaching around 10%. At the time the stock market crash at Wall Street in October 1929, the unemployment rate rocketed reaching 20%. The unemployment rate reaches its peak in the year 1932 were 32% Australians were jobless (, n.d.). It is said that the fall on export prices, sales, overseas loans and residential construction lead to the Great Depression. Still, economist is debating on the ultimate cause that triggered the event. The Great Depression created a devastating effect on the Australian economy. This also led to many illegal or rather unusual ways of making money including gambling and prostitution. Even the minors, man or woman take part in making money. Mostly young men were involved in small gambling and young women in amateur prostitution. Education was also greatly affected since most children were forced to leave school at the age of thirteen or fourteen. The time of the Great Depression was hard particularly for working women since they are required to do the house chores with their exhausted body. Job was easier that time for young workers but it was short lived, until they reach the age of sixteen to twenty one. During those times, the abilities of the government were questioned by many Australian citizens and many organizations gained popularity through their acts showing their dissatisfaction to the government. In order to bring new investment, the country relied heavily on borrowing money from different countries and the monetary policy of the country was controlled by privately owned banks. The government also had to sell off gold reserves whenever the banks refuse to extend the overdrafts of the country. Still, unemployment continued to increase as the government instituted employment projects. Until now, many factors that triggered the Great Depression that is present. Thus, those hard times are not just in vain since we, the new generation, were able to learn from the past and incorporate the steps that our forefathers used during those hard times. Today, in cases of crisis and unemployment due to the fall of company’s we go back to the basic goal for working, just as in the time of the Great Depression, to provide food and necessities for our family. Reference   Spenceley, G.   (1981). The Depression Decade. Thomas Nelson, Australia. The Great Depression (n.d). Available online from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Carl Linnaeus Essay Example for Free

Carl Linnaeus Essay Linnaeus Report Born in 1707 to a country parson in Rashult, southern Sweden, the young Linnaeus showed a keen interest in plants and flowers and by the age of eight, was given the nickname ‘the little botanist’. Linnaeus studied medicine, first at the University of Lund and then at the University of Uppsala. Medicine at this time was based on herbals so it meant he also studied plants. He shared his passion for plants with Olaf Celsius whom he met at Uppsala. Linnaeus is most widely known for creating systems for naming and classifying plants and animals. Realizing that new plants were being discovered faster than their relationships could be established, he first came up with a simple classification based upon the number of floral parts of each plant. This system remained popular into the nineteenth century. Gradually Linnaeus also developed a system of names in which each species of plant and animal had a genus (class or group) name followed by a specific name. For example,  Plantago virginica  and  Plantago lanceolata  were the names of two species of  plantain  (an herb). Botanists agreed in 1905 to accept his  Species plantarum  (1753) and zoologists (scientists who study animals) agreed to accept his  Systema naturae  (1758) as the official starting points for scientific names of plants and animals. He  was one of the most influential scientists of his time. His  theory of classication allowed for clear and easy descriptions of plants, animals and minerals. So straightforward was his new naming system, it is still used by scientists today.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fall of Malacca Empire

Fall of Malacca Empire FALL OF MALACCA EMPIRE The golden age of Malacca ended in 1511. Empire Malacca who called to an end after the Portuguese attack Malacca under the rule of Sultan Mansur Shah. Internal Factors WEAK LEADERSHIP OPPRESSIVE ADMINISTRATION Weak ruling government is the root cause to the fall of the Malacca Sultanate. They were overdependence on Tun Perak until they can’t find a capable leader to replace him. After the death of the Bendahara Tun Perak, Malacca lacked an efficient leader as the replacement of Tun Perak which is Tun Mutahir as a Bendahara was a weak leader because he more concern on his personal welfare and biased during his administration. Many of the ministers expressed their dissatisfaction with this aspect of the way of his management style. As a result, there were often struggles for power. Besides, Sultan Mahmud who paid only a little attention to the administration consider as a weak leader too. He enables the officers to act as they pleased. Bribing and defamation were rife and inevitably result in economic instability and discontent among the people. Corruption in administration to gain personal wealth had caused the imposed of high taxes on citizens and traders forced merchants to shift t heir attention to Acheh, the other trading ports. At the same time, Bendahara Tun Mutahir being accused that he attempted to overthrow the king. He evoked the anger of Sultan Mahmud so without further investigation Sultan Mahmud executed Bendahara Tun Mutahir and his family. Raja Ahmad the inheritor was also weak and inefficient. When Sultan Mahmud realized he was wrong, he handed reign to his son which was unable to help him to rule his empire. Whereas Bendahara Tun Perpatih, the successor which is also weak, ill and old. Son of Sultan Mahmud DISUNITY Malacca’s weak position caused the disunited of people and spilt into factions. Bendahara Tun Mutahir is and Indian-Muslims. His weak administration and practiced favoritism had caused the Malays to become hostile towards them and develop into racial tension. Bendahara Tun Mutahir been appointed had caused the jealousy among Malays and the evident was when Sultan Mahmud commanded Bendahara Tun Mutahir and Tun Ali to be sentence to death at the betrayal by Raja Mandaliar and Laksamana Khoja Hassan, an Indian native. Bendahara Tun Perak’s son, Tepok been appointed as Bendahara but he was too old. All of these factors had causes the disunity among the residents of Malacca. THE WEAKNESS OF MALACCA MILITARY AND DEFENCE Continued misunderstanding caused segregation and disunity among the people. The situation became worse and critical when the Portuguese, led by Alfonso d’Albuquerque attacked Malacca. For Malacca soldiers, they are losing of skills because they not involved in war for a long time. They had been using traditional weapons such as creese, arrow and spear during the war with Portuguese. Whereas, Portuguese used modern weapons such as cannon that clearly different from Malacca in term of range and mobility. Portuguese armed forces have well-equipped weapons and good strategic planning with the guidance of Alfonso d’Albuquerque. Before Portuguese attack Malacca, they had conquered Goa India so they have support of army from Goa India. But for Malacca, the mercenary soldiers from Jawa abandoned state during the war. DISLOYALTY OF FEREIGNERS AND MERCHANTS Due to the political instability, merchants who came and stay at Malacca did not believe to the government of Malacca. They even backed and supported Portuguese during their attack. For Chinese merchant, they provided huge barges on loan to Portuguese. Tamil merchant provided information regarding Malacca defense system. External Factors THE DISCOVERY OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (TAAJUNG HARAPAN) It is a naval passage in Southern Africa that discovered by Bartholomew Diaz in 1488. The successful of crossing of the Cape of Good Hope allowed the sailor to sail from the west which is Portugal to the East. While Prince Henry eager to locate their trading in the East that lead to the encouragement of his people to sail to East with the slogan of ‘ Gospel, Gold, Glory ‘. The expansion of Portuguese sea exploration was pioneered by Vasco da Gama. He was the first to discover the east coasts of India that help in the establishment of Portuguese. EMERGENCE OF OTHERS TRADE CENTERS Due to the oppressive administration and the high taxes, traders started to looked for other port such as Acheh and Brunei. They had finally switched to the other ports where they can be treated fairly. PREACHING Lopez de Sequeira was assigned by Prince Henry to analyze the trade potentials in Malacca. He arrived at Malacca carrying with him a letter offer from the King. His job was to establish trade with Malacca. Bendahara Tun Mutahir and the officer who were powerful in the court were hostile towards the Christian. The merchants from Gujarat, who got the news the Portuguese planned to preached a holy war against those Muslims infidels. Unfortunately, because of the argument between Bendahara Tun Mutahir and Sultan Mahmud Shah, de Sequeira managed to get known a plot was planned to kill him and his is managed to escape from Malacca with his fleet, leaving behind several of his assistants as captives. Conclusion From the research we had make, we conclude that Malacca Sultanate Empire had gone through three eras which are the beginning and the rise, the middle and the fall of the empire at the same time it contributes a special slots in Malaysian history, because it is said to be the origin of the present sultanate of Malaysia. From the process that Malacca gone through we summarize that effective and systematic administration had lead Malacca to the best outcome. The leader himself must be a role model to make the empire grow and unite the citizen. Citizens’ power can’t be neglected because it influenced the development of any empire in the world including merchandise and traders. We are reminded that in whatever time and place unwise leadership, corruption, disunity and weak defense must be avoided or otherwise turmoil history happens again. Referencing History of Melaka Lonely Planet Travel Information. 2015. History of Melaka Lonely Planet Travel Information. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 January 2015]. The fall of Malacca. 2015. The fall of Malacca. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 January 2015]. Fall of Civilizations Malacca Sultanate (Revised Version). 2015. Fall of Civilizations Malacca Sultanate (Revised Version). [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 January 2015]. The Fall of Melaka. 2015. The Fall of Melaka. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 January 2015].

Nasa Essay -- Essays Papers

Nasa October 1, 1958, the official start of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was the beginning of a rich history of unique scientific and technological achievements in human space flight, aeronautics, space science, and space applications. Formed as a result of the Sputnik crisis of confidence, NASA inherited the earlier National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), and other government organizations, and almost immediately began working on options for human space flight. NASA’s first high profile program was Project Mercury, an effort to learn if humans could survive in space, followed by Project Gemini, which built upon Mercury’s successes and used spacecraft built for two astronauts. NASA’s human space flight efforts then extended to the Moon with Project Apollo, culminating in 1969 when the Apollo 11 mission first put humans on the lunar surface. After the Skylab and Apollo-Soyuz Test Projects of the early and mid-1970s, NASA’ s human space flight efforts again resumed in 1981, with the Space Shuttle program that continues today to help build the International Space Station. Building on its NACA roots, NASA has continued to conduct many types of cutting-edge aeronautics research on aerodynamics, wind shear, and other important topics using wind tunnels, flight testing, and computer simulations. NASA’s highly successful X-15 program involved a rocket-powered airplane that flew above the atmosphere and then glided back to Earth unpowere...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Investigating the Effect ofTeeth Cleaning Agents on the Growth of Bacte

Investigating the Effect of Different Teeth Cleaning Agents on the Growth of Bacteria On account of the price and variety of tooth cleaning agents available on the market, an investigation was conducted into the effect of different tooth cleaning agents containing different ingredients on the growth of teeth bacteria. The tooth cleaning agents tested were Colgate total antibacterial toothpaste with Triclosan (3 pence/ml), Boots non fluoride toothpaste (less than a penny/ml), Dental care baking soda toothpaste (2 pence/ml) and a twig from a natural toothbrush tree Salvadora persica commonly known as ‘Muswak’ (30 pence for two weeks supply, toothbrush not required as twig carries out the function of a toothbrush). Gingivitis (inflammation to gingival tissue in the mouth) caused by excessive formation of plaque is not just a problem for children, it continues throughout life as long as natural teeth are in the mouth. The three most common bacteria that cause dental disease are Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus species, and Actinomyces species. According to an article titled ‘super toothpaste’ by W. F Lee (Prevention magazine, Dec 97, p67) it is said, ‘Make room fluoride. A new toothpaste is coming and it promises to strike the kind of blow to gingivitis that made fluoride famous for fighting cavities. The key ingredient Triclosan is a common antimicrobial agent already in wide use in products such as antibacterial soap. Scientists think Triclosan may reduce gingivitis by inhibiting the growth of plaque causing bacteria. In a major study submitted to the FDA, the new Triclosan-fluoride paste (sold as Colgate total) performed significantly better than standard fluoride only toothpaste in helping to prevent plaque, tartar and gingivitis. This combination of Triclosan and fluoride is the first toothpaste to earn the British Dental Association seal of acceptance for fighting four dental problems at once- gingivitis, plaque, tooth decay and tartar.1c Non fluoride toothpastes are suitable for individuals who require a controlled level of fluoride. This would be especially relevant in cases whereby the tap water is heavily fluoridated or the individual is taking fluoride supplements. Baking soda toothpaste, also known as sodium bicarbonate paste kills bacteria that cause plaque and bad breath and acts as a mild abrasive. According to the Journal of Clinical Denti... ...o: 67 2c Kelly J (1997) "Brush up your act" Grocer Oct 4 1997 volume 220 Page no: 41 3c Meskin L.H (1997) " Much ado about nothing" Journal of the American dental association Oct 1997 volume 128 Page no: 1347 4c Blinkhorn A (1997) " Keeping faith in fluoride" Chemist and druggist May 24 1997, Volume 247, Page no: 24 5c Author unknown (1997) "Getting the most of your medical dollar" Money matters August 1997 Volume 6, Issue 3 Page no: 3 6c Hattab F.N (1997) "Muswak: the natural toothbrush" Journal of Clinical Dentistry Volume 8, NO 5 Page no: 125-129 Information from multimedia 1d Encarta encyclopaedia, 1995 Version Acknowledgements * Ms. E Haynes for provision of sterilised apparatus and teaching of microbiology module. * The British Dental Association for provision of statistical details of consumer sales. * Colgate Palmolive UK for details on Colgate total toothpaste. * Science line for general information on types of toothpastes. * Mr. Kayum, Sub Rung Centre, 131 Green Street (Forest gate), London E7 8JF for information on Salvadora Persica ‘Muswak’ * Wellcome Science Museum, Euston Road, London for use of their library facilities.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Grapes of Wrath Jim Casy The Silent Philosopher :: essays papers

Grapes of Wrath Jim Casy The Silent Philosopher Jim Casy: The Silent Philosopher It is a widely accepted theory, in numerous areas of study, that a whole is the sum of its parts. It has also been acknowledged that the reaction formed by a combination of forces is greater than the sum of the individual forces. Such a synergistic principle has become a strong motive behind many incidents in history, in which individuals have assembled into a group to become an increasingly powerful and influential force. This is the case in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, in which thousands of farmers are affected by the economical, climatic, and agricultural crises of the 1930’s and forced to migrate to the promising valleys of California. As these migrants make their long, arduous journey across the deserts of America, they are faced with numerous predicaments, most of which place them on the brink of survival. In the end, they learn that it is their love for one another and their togetherness that will allow them to complete the journey and fulfill their lon g-lived dreams. As the story progresses, a marked growth becomes evident among each character as they make the transition from an â€Å"I† level of thinking to a â€Å"we† level of thinking. One such character is the itinerant preacher, Jim Casy. Although his actions are not directly influential to the story’s plot, it is his philosophies and outlooks on life and religion that affect the events, as well as the other characters, in the story. Perhaps the most significant theme interpreted from the journey of the Joad family is that of the shift from the â€Å"I† to the †we† mentality. This concept results mainly from the mutual relationships formed between the migrants and their willingness to help one another. As the migrants progress on their journey, their concern for the well being of others overshadows their concerns for themselves. Their actions become completely altruistic and intended to protect the functionality of the migrant force as a whole. They readily make sacrifices to one another and work to create mutual bonds that help one another survive. Another aspect of the â€Å"I† to â€Å"we† transition is that of the togetherness of the migrant families and the unions formed between them. As the migrants begin to face the all the same hardships and dilemmas, they begin to organize and function as a single unit. The individuals among this unit are capable of helping one another a nd advancing the progress off the whole unit.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Capital punishment should be abolished Essay

There are almost 1,000 people sentenced to death because of committing heinous crime globally each year(Rogers,2012,para.10). However, some countries still insist on implementing the death penalty or capital punishment in order to reduce crime. In the twentieth century it is contended that value of life should be pursed, and everyone deserves the right to survive. For this reason, it can be argued that capital punishment should be abolished and whole life imprisonment should be implemented instead. Firstly, to define ‘heinous crime’ and ‘capital punishment’ is important. The definition of heinous crime differs depending on the country. Generally, it relates to crimes of ‘moral turpitude’, which are extremely violent acts including murder, rape, manslaughter and terrorism(Tooby,2012,para.1). In contrast, the definition of ‘capital punishment’ is more concrete. It is defined by the Oxford Dictionary(2012) as the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. This includes lethal injection, lethal gas, hanging, executed by firing sqard, stoning, beheading and electrocution. This essay will argue that capital punishment is against basic human rights, secondly will prove that criminals have been found to be innocent after they have been executed, thirdly it will verify the existence of unfair judgments. Finally, this essay will debunk counterarguments that support the death penalty, using cases from Saudi Arabia, China and America as its exemplar to argue that capital punishment is cruel and unnecessary. To begin with, according to The Universal Human Rights Declaration(2012,para.3) â€Å"Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person†, therefore, based on this premise implementing capital punishment is against basic human rights. Everyone has the right to survive, no one can deprive people of this right, not even the government. Since the right of individuals is protected by law, which cannot deprive anyone arbitrarily of life (Human Right Association, 2003,para.2). Capital punishment, nonetheless, is a practice that disregards human rights. Moreover, the justice system is set up to prevent crime and maintain a peaceful society (UNICEF,2003,para.7). The death penalty, however, inflicts harm upon another, which can potentially create terror inside society  (Jayashree,2010,para.7). Therefore, capital punishment seems to oppose the established justice system. Worse still, some governments execute criminals in a inhuman way. For example, in Saudi Arabia, criminals are executed by beheading by sword or stoning wherby the criminals are attacked by throwing stones until they die (Moni, 2010,para.6). Therefore, capital punishment is a heinous and inhuman act of violence that must be abolished in order to maintain a humane society with zero tolerance. Another reason of opposing capital punishment is that some criminals have been found to be innocent after they had been sentenced and executed, but they could never return. By using whole life imprisonment, the problem brought by misjudgment can be avoided. One example is Jiang Guoqing in Taiwan,China. He was executed in 1997 for the rape and murder of a 5-year-old girl. The body of the girl was found in toilet of welfare station staff of the Air Force Combat Command. The bureau of investigation conducted polygraph testing on all soldiers, however, only Jiang did not pass. Worse still, a toilet tissue was found in the toilet which contained combination of Jiang’s body fluid and blood of girl because Jiang used toilet before. Due to discovery of this evidence, Jiang was convicted of rape and murder. He was finally executed in 1997, but his father fought for appeal continuously due to insufficient investigation in this case. Finally, the authorities reexamined evidence left in the case in 2001, and they found that Jiang was innocent and the killer was Huang. Eventually, the actual killer was sentenced (Tian,2011). After Jiang was executed, the reputation of his whole family was destroyed. Can a government compensate for this? The case of Jiang is just the tip of the iceberg of miscarriage of justice that occurs around the world, there were countless cases where criminals were found innocent after execution. Unfortunately, the lives of these executed innocents cannot be returned, it is definitely a crime committed by the authorities. It is commonly believed that‘Everyone is equal and fair in front of law’, nevertheless, unfair judgment still exists in the legal system due to discrimination against different races and sexes in some countries. Nagin and pepper(2009) argued that â€Å"The Justice system in South  America is administered by same elite power structure. But justice for Blacks is vindictive and emotional, while for the whites is secular and rational.† The statistics also show that number of blacks being executed are far more than whites providing that almost same number of black and white criminals commit the crime in regards of inequality.â€Å"The capital punishment record indicates that 706 persons received the death sentence since 1910, while 362, or slightly more than half, were actually executed.† For the people being executed, there were 282 black males, seventy-three white males, five Indian males and two black females where the statistics was from the states that having majority of whites. (Laurence,2012,p.119)This evidence proves that Blacks have a higher chance of receiving the death penalty comparing to Whites. Also Jayashree(2010,para.6)states the poor may not have money to hire a lawyer to defend them. Thus, they have a relatively higher rate of imprisonment or even be executed. In addition, in Saudi Arabia, women face the death penalty by stoning for adultery. While it is normal for men to marry a few women, they do not suffer any legal consequence for affairs (Moni,2010, para.1).This reveals that unfair judgment exists for different sexes, different socio-economic status and different races. Many people think that implementing capital punishment can reduce the number of heinous crime in society due to fear of serious punishment. While, the effect of the death penalty in controlling crime is still doubtful. As support by Jayashree(2010,para.7) â€Å"The rate of crime is forty-three percent in the state that having dead penalty while only twenty-three percent in state that without death penalty in America.† This shows that the effect of capital punishment may not be effective in reducing crime rates. Also, there are many people casting doubt that money spent in supporting the lives of criminals is much more than cost of capital punishment. In fact, the cost of implementing the death penalty is not low at all, authorities need money to prepare documents such as DNA tests and a license of death for the criminal. Whole lives imprisonment is the most suitable way to punish the criminals that committing heinous crime. Jayashree,2010,para6 claim that â€Å"In jail, decades and decades of living in a cage, in an environment of rape and violence and being treated like animals  is worse than the death sentence. With the death sentence, the suffering is over quickly.† It can also comfort the victim family as the criminals suffer in jail for long period of time. Also, there is a good opportunity in jail to let them to revise themselves and give them a second chance to correct themselves. On the other hand, implementing capital punishment is implanting the concept of ‘an eye for an eye’ and ‘an ear for an ear’ into society. Thus, abolishing capital punishment is a only way not to let this evil concept pass to our next generation. More importantly, whole lives imprisonment do not let criminals suffer from miscarriages of justice. To conclude, since there are many disadvantages in carrying out capital punishment such as this is against human right, existence of unfair judgment and the effect of death penalty is still doubtful. To restate, capital punishment should be abolished and government should provide second chance for criminals to rectify themselves.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Name Professor Subject Date Behavioral Genetics and Human Personality

People do possess certain behaviors that make us unique from one another. People do vary in their behavior or the way we think, feel and act. The complexity of human behavior and understanding its nature has been the main interests of those studying behavioral genetics. We all know that if we inherit our physical attributes with our parents we also inherit their behavior which we call genotypes.We are also aware of the role of the society, culture or the environment in shaping one’s behavior. Which of the two then exerts the greatest influence in our life? In order to identify which really molds human behavior a family studies, adoption studies and twin studies where conducted. In these three settings the siblings are compared with their shared and non-shared experiences. The environment provides the child with care, education and other experiences.People differ in many ways in terms of intelligence, mental states, social ability, self-concept or self-esteem, attitudes, belief s and preferences. Genetics versus environment can also be called nature versus nurture in shaping behavior. The debate between the two tries to challenge the fact that genotypes or the nature of a person’s behavior can be altered by the environment or the inherited traits will remain the same and control the person no matter how strong the influence of the environment.Suicidal tendencies and anti-social behavior for example are studied if it is inherited or purely environmental. In my own opinion the behavior could depend upon the individual’s personal adjustment or resistance to the environment that can create a difference in our behavior. Work Cited Haimowitz, Avi. Heredity versus Environment: Twin, Adoption and Family Studies. November 2005. Rochester Institute of Technology: Great Ideas in Personality 4 June 2009

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Starbucks Target Market

?Starbucks Target Market Starbucks Target market is nine-to-five workers inurban centers and surrounding suburbs, but in general any age, and any person too. Their costumers identifying a clear Value proposal, because is best communicated simply when  some person had made the decision to drop into a retail store, stay awhile, and then share with co-workers the next day the experience had there. Howard Schultz said in his vision of Starbucks that â€Å"you get more than the finest coffee when you visit†¦ you get great people, first-rate music, a comfortable and upbeat meeting place, and sound advice on brewing excellent coffee at home. In positioning itself as a unique entity in a land with nothing similar, a Starbucks store was promoted to be â€Å"a place where you can sit back and be yourself. † The company vision included that â€Å"at home you're part of a family†¦ at work you're part of a company†¦ and somewhere in between†¦ † there is a Star bucks! So the Starbucks product, while ingrained in its coffee, is really the overall experience. The price of an actual brewed cup of coffee was consistent with the image of being â€Å"a notch above† or a â€Å"worthwhile experience†Ã¢â‚¬â€œhigher than most competitors. And the place where Starbucks offered its product was primarily its retail outlets. To experience Starbucks fully, one must go to an actual Starbucks location. In this respect, the location of a Starbucks relative to customer convenience was important, and Starbucks developed a â€Å"real estate opportunistic† attitude to address this–that is it did not necessarily wait for the ideal building or lot to become available, Starbucks was flexible in terms of retail space layout and design to fit the location convenience of its target market

Hybrid Cultures Essay

The ease of travel and almost universal access to the information superhighway facilitates the massive cultural exchange that goes on in the world today. In 2005, Kwai-Cheung Lo had written extensively on the exportation of Hong Kong popular culture and its strange relationship to China. Hong Kong could be considered one of the best modern examples of a hybrid culture. Settled by the British for 150 years before its transfer back to China in 1997, Hong Kong bears much similarity to the West in terms of economic development and commerce. Its culture, however, is quite different from the mainland and reconciling the two by expanding the definition of what it means to be Chinese is necessary as HK becomes less an independent entity and more of a Chinese protectorate. Today, the vast storehouse of popular culture proves that the sharp lines between different nations are thinning with martial arts films, anime, and panda bears occupy the same space as Western action movies, McDonalds, and pop music. Massive immigration from third world countries to the West, coupled with Western business people consulting with Asian companies contributes to the growing cultural exchange. The Disney phenomenon is a good example of this. Starting as a small theme park in Anaheim, CA, the company had developed parks in Florida, Paris, and Japan. Yet, the Japanese are determined to retain elements of their native culture even as they embrace an American business concept. When sociologists compared the American Disneyland with the Japanese version, they found many similarities and differences. For example, â€Å"Jungle Cruise is arguably the most American. It is a traditional Disney ride that has changed little over the years. TDL (Tokyo Disneyland) has kept the design and narrative of Jungle Cruise while modifying its spiel. Cinderella’s Castle Mystery Tour in contrast is unique to TDL. It is a story of Disney heroes and villains written for and told by the Japanese†(p. 32). References Luo, K. C. (2005). Chinese Face/Off: The Transnational Popular Culture of Hong Kong. University of Illinois Press Raz, A. E. (1999). Riding the Black Ship: Japan and Tokyo Disneyland. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Critique of The Zoo Story, a One-Act by Edward Albee

A Critique of The Zoo Story, a One-Act by Edward Albee Social Commentary Essay on Drama: The Zoo Story and Alienation Albee’s â€Å"The Zoo Story† portrays a fairly decent example of alienation of the absolute lower class versus the upper-middle and middle class. The two obviously have completely different backgrounds, which have brought them to their current points in life. Although they are both roughly the same age, Peter is displayed as an average man with average characteristics and mannerisms by describing him as â€Å"neither handsome or homely† and â€Å"†¦ wears tweeds, smokes a piepe, and carries horn-rimmed glasses† . He was likely the definition of middle class for his era. Jerry, on the other hand, seemed complacent about his looks and characteristics with a description of â€Å"†¦ not poorly dressed, but carelessly† . The play exemplifies the division of social status and class through Peter’s reaction to Jerry’s mostly incoherent speech, or his random sharing of his life story. The play starts by introducing and describing Peter and Jerry, the two main characters. It then starts with Jerry trying to create dialogue between the two, but Peter trying to avoid conversation with the stage direction of â€Å"[anxious to get back to his reading]† . This very start, along with their disagreement about smoking, shows the difference in the norms for their social statuses. Jerry continues on trying to force the conversation by asking about the direction he travelled from and the potential cancer from smoking. Eventually, he asks Peter if he would like to talk, but Peter responds slightly disinterested until Jerry forces his hand. The middle of the play is pretty much Jerry asking questions, Peter answering the questions, and then Jerry monologuing. The question and answer phase of Jerry and Peters shows the distance between the two of them, and, by essence, exemplifies the difference between social classes. For instance, Jerry keeps getting more personal as a specific conversation goes in, such as when he asks if Peter’s wife is the reason they can’t have any more children. Interestingly, the fact that Jerry keeps saying that he’ll tell Peter about the zoo but never actually tells Peter can be seen as the false promises between the classes. Jerry keeps asking Jerry personal questions and then eventually peer pressures him into answering. Jerry then goes into phases of monologuing about his life and thinks that Peter is patronizing him. Throughout the last portion of the middle of the play, Jerry goes on an extremely long story about a dog, how he tried to poison the dog, and how he keep s failing. At the end of the story, Jerry randomly tries to take the whole bench from Peter by force. However, Peter was being stubborn about his spot. The sudden change of character can easily be foreshadowed by his story of trying to poison a dog. However, Peter wasn’t going to let it slide Peter tells Jerry â€Å"You can’t have everything you want.† Eventually, Jerry gets heated and pulls out a knife. Peter instantly misunderstands the action, as anyone would but his misunderstanding is also a show of the misunderstanding between social classes. Strangely enough, Jerry gives Peter the knife. Peter tries to get Jerry to leave him alone, but Jerry ends up killing himself on the knife that Peter was holding defensively. I’m not sure I comprehend this part of the play, but Jerry thanks Peter and says that Peter comforted him. Perhaps, Jerry was confused and wanted a way out of life after holding a conversation. Either way, as he ends up dying, he tells Peter to get aw ay from the scene. In conclusion, Peter’s confusion throughout the play and Jerry’s constant monologuing shows misunderstandings throughout the whole play. With that being said, Jerry, or the lower classes, keeps putting Peter into awkward situations. Peter, or the upper-middle/upper class tries to keep to himself but Jerry keeps bringing him back in. Jerry tells Peter his life story, similar to how the lower class tries to convince the aforementioned classes to change. However, the less well off class (it’s not necessarily always the lower class that is less well off, but more than likely it is) in any civilization tends to end up creating conflict. That conflict ends in the death of the foolish actions of Jerry.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Toyota's Marketing Strategy in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Toyota's Marketing Strategy in China - Essay Example Toyota was very optimistic that it would succeed in the Chinese market without a problem (Bremner & Roberts, 2006). But therein lay the problem. Toyota used the same marketing strategies that it had used in Japan to capture the Chinese market, which in the end did not work out so well for Toyota in China. Â  In retrospect, Toyota decided to then use the strategy it had used when entering and marketing in the United States and found that it had more success than it had when using the same strategies that it used in the Japanese market. There are quite a few reasons why the strategies used in Japan failed and why the strategies used in the United States worked well for the organization when entering, marketing and penetrating the Chinese market. Â  In this document, the author will look at the marketing strategies used by Toyota in the Japanese and United States markets. Then compare and contrast the two different strategies, analyze what worked in China and what didn't work and finally conclude why the strategy used in the United States worked for Toyota in China but the strategy used in Japan didn't work for it. Â  The Toyota auto company was founded during the World War II era in Aichi, Japan and since then has been a leader in the automotive industry in the country. During the war years, the organization is known to have manufactured trucks to keep the war effort in the country going. Â  Being a homespun company the organization had no difficulty in marketing, competing and penetrating the Japanese market and used many traditional methods of marketing at the inception and even today it uses a conventional marketing strategy when marketing in Japan in comparison to what it uses in the United States. Â  For one thing, the organization has always positioned its products as small, economical and of high quality in the market. Further, the organization is a local organization and did not have to battle with other international brands in a foreign country when marketing in its own country but marketed the product as one that was manufactured at home and created brand loyalty in that manner. Â  The organization sells its products through its dealerships that are manned by 40 - 50-year-olds and emphasizes on innovation and technology that is now becoming more and more green friendly. The high-end models like the Lexus are positioned as high-end luxury vehicles and don't need to be aggressively marketed because they don't face tough competition from the likes BMW or Mercedes Benz (Pollack, 1996). Â  Further the organization has been in existence as long as its chief competitor Honda and has overtaken the market in fuel efficiency thanks to some of its models like the Toyota Prius, which has been touted for its excellence in the hybrid car market, which has led only to the increase in customer confidence and loyalty for the Toyota brand in the Japanese car market with every passing decade. Â  

Monday, August 12, 2019

Ethics adn the regulation and deregulation of energy Essay

Ethics adn the regulation and deregulation of energy - Essay Example In the United States, the electrical and natural gas industries have found themselves undergoing developments of change in the way they supply their resources. Millions of households and businesses within the 24 different States which have enacted deregulation plans find themselves torn in two from what is the falling of the $220 billion electricity industry; that being one of the last government sanctioned monopolies. The deregulation of both markets has applied extreme pressure on both industries to act more efficiently.This drive in efficiency has then directly impacted more of a commitment from the two industries to establish further safety procedures and increased attention to ethical standards. In theory the deregulation of the markets should expand services further, creating more selection which in return directly opens up the market for competition. This in theory should create lower prices and of course a wider selection which will ultimately allow those of lower incomes to comfortably afford hydro and natural gas. These benefits have deregulation supports quite touted as they appear very certain that it will generally create greater occurrences. In some regions this plan has been a success however in most cases the results have been the opposite with an actual rise in prices with accounts of crisis in supply.Prior to the infamous electricity shortages and skyrocketing prices, California went through an uprising provided by the citizens to halt and overturn the states deregulation plan. deregulation plan. In 1996 California became one of the first states to enact what was a restructuring plan of electricity and natural gas. No later then two years after the plan was put into effect public support of deregulation began to sway due to actual increases in pricing. This measure obviously failed and criticism of deregulation grew further to a one sided opinion from the public. The limited power supplies and astounding increases in demand forced the electrical industry to further up the retail prices on power. In some cases companies that provide retail prices based on wholesale value fluctuated dramatically, electrical bills were noted to be double then what they were before the plan started. This equalled not only outrage by the public but also examples that deregulations were not consistent with its theory. A good example success from deregulation comes from the analysis of the post deregulation era in Pennsylvania. The enactment of the plan started in 1998, which appears to have uplifting reviews. The state has been in blossom according to reports that conclude great success on many accounts. The analysis shows that 500,000 consumers being just over 11 percent of ratepayers have chosen to leave their current utility companies no more then a year after the plan enacted. The trial in the Philadelphia area concurs with this, concluding that residential consumers who decided to leave their electricity providers for one that was least expensive in competition saved on average $10.00 a month. Ethnically speaking, those who are of the lower income brackets have been able hopefully to sustain hydro more easily then before the plans enactment in Pennsylvania. Whether or not the benefits such as lower prices can be consistent throughout the nation is still however an unresolved question. California is a great example of the opposite because the outcome of California deregulating electricity markets is substantially different then that of Pennsylvania state. After some of the main providers experienced financial crisis, consumers were faced with rising prices beyond affordability, many ended up having to go without any source of power and those who could continue to afford the up roaring prices experienced shortages of electricity due to the overwhelming increase in demands. Although deregulation shows ethical value it also proves to be inconsistent. The

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Chinese Medecine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chinese Medecine - Essay Example He wrote the book I-Ching also known as book of change which had the power of shaping the thought process of any upcoming book on the Chinese medicine. The first book on the acupuncture appeared in the 204 BC during the rein of Huang Di - The yellow emperor. The books had full details on the needles to be used, acupuncture points in the Body, pathology, syndrome differentiation, treatment, diagnosis and the relationship of man with the nature. Initially, the stone needles were used to conduct the acupuncture and then the bronze, gold, silver needles were used as well. Now a days stainless steel needles are used to puncture the specific parts of the body. Acupuncture has found its use in almost all the diseases but there is a huge debate on the infection caused due to the acupuncture needles and the subsequent impact of the infections on the body. This paper attempts to analyze the acupuncture from the historical perspective and researches the modern application of acupuncture with the application, advantages, and disadvantages. The paper ends with the conclusion obtained as a result of the research and discussions. (Gabriel, 2003) Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice having history which dates back to 8000 years. During the process of evolvement, acupuncture needles were modified from using stones as the raw material to bronze, gold and silver to stainless steels. The first changeover from stone to metal needles had happened during the 421-221 BC which is also known as the Warren States era. In the year 113 BC, nine types of acupuncture needles were discussed in the book The Miraculous Pivot. Nan Jing wrote a book named Book of difficult questions on Acupuncture. During 265 - 581 AD, acupuncture was very popular during the Jin, Northern and southern dynasties as several charts and texts were developed during this time by Xu Xi family to enhance the knowledge of theory and application. Another major development during the ancient world in the fields of acupuncture came during Sui and Tang dynasties. The Tang government commissioned the services of physician Zhen Quan to revise the important text and charts of Acupuncture. Another book which collated the text and charts from other physician was written by Sun Simio. The Acupuncture came to be recognized as the separate branch of medicine during this phase i.e. 650 - 692 AD. The physicians conducting the Acupuncture were known as Acupuncturists and the Acupuncture education became mandatory and was made one the constituents of Imperial medicine bureau. The Acupuncture schools came up and they started conducting formal education on the Acupuncture theory and practice. During the period 1568-1644, also known for Ming Dynasty rule, the knowledge of Acupuncture flourished where several actions like modification of the classical texts were conducted, acupuncture techniques and medication was enhanced, Moxa sticks were developed for indirect treatment, 120 volumes of Encyclopedic work was carried on by Wang Gendung as well as principles of acupuncture and Moxibustion was written by Yang Jizhou. G. Soulie D Morant, who introduced Acupuncture to the European world draw his inspiration from these texts. In the next few years during 1644-1840, the acupuncture was suppressed and the Chinese herbal medicine was promoted

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Summary time,space, and the evolution of afro-america society Term Paper

Summary time,space, and the evolution of afro-america society - Term Paper Example Through the American Revolution, African cultures had been integrated into the Euro-American culture in the mid eighteenth century (46). The population of slaves ranged from 4-8 percent in different counties. Most Northern blacks worked in the countryside and a few labored in the rural industries. Iron masters were the largest employers of slaves in the industries and owned the largest number of slaves in the north. Most rural slaves worked in the farms tendering livestock and growing crops for export. These slaves lived on the farms and never worked in gangs (47). Some of the white farmers relied on indented servants to supplement farm labor since slaves were expensive. In trade centers, blacks worked as stock minders and herdsmen. Provisional trading required several slaves, which enabled them create a strong companionship compared to those working in the farms. Urban slaves worked as house servants and lived in back rooms, closets, and lofts (48). The interaction between the slaves and the white people led to a gradual cultural transformation. Those in the urban centers started participating in economic activities, and they adopted Christianity. New York slaves started acquiring property, while those in the rural areas continued living in poor

Friday, August 9, 2019

Assessing Economic Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessing Economic Performance - Essay Example This comparison will utilize resources provided by the Central Intelligence Agency websites (CIA). America has the greatest GDP globally. The American GDP is about twelve trillion dollars. America’s economy is highly diversified, and it relies on technological advancements to generate such a massive output. For a nation to generate such a GDP, it must add value to its products. A skilled labour force complements America’s enormous resources, which ensures efficient production. Similarly, India has massive resources such iron and rubber. Such natural resources have made manufacturing a key driver of this country’s economy. The enormous demography has provided ready consumption and cheap workforce. The GDP of India is about 3 trillion. The technological advancements in America have altered communication in a phenomenal manner. The advancements have transformed the manner in which the world conducts business culminating in the emergence of E-commerce. India’s technological advancement is average since most of its economy depends on manufacturing and expor tation of raw materials. However, the nation is integrating the recent advancements in technology rapidly to ensure that it increases value addition in its production (Central Intelligence Agency, 2012). America’s economy is stagnating owing to the current recession. Thus, the economy is experiencing negative growth despite the concerted efforts to stimulate it. The efforts have included stimulus packages and deficit budgets that ought to boost spending among the citizenry. The recession resulted from malpractices in the banking and insurance sector that culminated in failure of numerous firms. Conversely, India’s economy is performing strongly despite the receding global economy. This owes to local consumption and adoption of appropriate policies. The astute policies have provided an appropriate platform for the

Philosophy of Justice in Plato's Republic Essay

Philosophy of Justice in Plato's Republic - Essay Example This phenomenon is reflected in the dialogue between Socrates and Thrasymachus, as the dialogue has been incorporated in a book I of Plato’s Republic. The view of Socrates on justice is in opposition to that of Thrasymachus, as revealed through the arguments developed by each of them. The evaluation of these arguments leads to the assumption that Socrates’ thoughts on justice are based on fairness and equality, a fact that ensures justice, in all its aspects. On the other hand, the view of Thrasymachus on justice follows a different direction, being able to result in social conflicts. It is probably for this reason that, in the end, Thrasymachus recognize the value of Socrates’ view on justice and accept his failure in understanding the actual role of individuals within the society, including their role in the promotion of justice. In accordance with Thrasymachus, ‘justice is nothing else but the interest of the most powerful’ (338c Plato’s Re public I). Thrasymachus defends the above definition by developing a series of arguments, as described below. At the first level, Thrasymachus states that the types of polities globally are many. There are countries based on monarchy, others are based on aristocracy and others are based on democracy (338d). ... Thus, justice, as based on the laws introduced by the most powerful, serves the interests of the latter; the above phenomenon, as Thrasymachus notes is common in all countries, no matter their polity. In regard to the above argument of Thrasymachus, Socrates notes that governors are also likely to introduce laws, which are in opposition with their interests; citizens are obliged to respect these laws, as also the laws serving the interests of governors (339e). In other words, citizens have to deal with two different types of laws: those that serve the interests of governors and those serving the interests of citizens. From this point of view, the view of Thrasymachus that justice is only the interest of the most powerful is proved to be invalid. In regard to the above, Thrasymachus supports that governors cannot introduce laws that are opposed to their interests. Rather they are expected to always promote their interests, making no mistakes in choosing laws that promote those interes ts (340d), exactly like those who are experts in a particular science or art. Those experts do not make mistakes since in this case, they would lose their power, has resulted from their role as experts (340d). In this context, as Thrasymachus notes, a true governor is not expected to make mistakes; therefore he promotes only his interests (341a). Socrates abjures the above argument referring to the example of a doctor, as used previously by Thrasymachus. Socrates notes that a doctor is a therapist; therefore, he has to take care of the health problems of ill people (341c).  

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Low Carbon Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Low Carbon Building - Essay Example Research suggests that buildings, both residential and commercial, are responsible for more than 38 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, a figure which has increased rapidly in the recent decades and has the potential to escalate further. In fact, research conducted by Isiadinso et al (2011) indicates that this figure reaches the level of 50 percent for UK buildings. However, this is also the area where most room is available to decrease GHG emissions. In fact, it was the landmark research conducted by Pacala & Socolow (2004), which identified building efficiency as one of the â€Å"stabilization wedges† that could assist in ensuring that carbon emissions could be offset by the year 2050. Over the past few years, experts, scholars and researchers have highlighted the crucial role that construction professionals can play through designing and structuring the buildings, in the first place, as efficient and sustainable as they can be, through space heating, cooling and hot wa ter, lighting and others. As the name suggests, low carbon buildings refer to buildings that are planned and structured in such a way that the carbon emission could be minimised, however, the fact is that, amongst many scholars and experts, there is an ongoing debate between scholars and experts regarding various dimensions of low carbon buildings. In fact, experts even disagree over the definition of a zero carbon or low carbon building and if the same is achievable or not. Williams (2010) takes the liberty of drawing of highlighting the pivotal differences between conventional houses and low impact environment building or autonomous building or PassivHaus design buildings. Where conventional buildings are dependent on the main drainage systems and gas supplies, low impact environmental buildings have independent waste disposal systems and energy services. Conventional buildings do not face any obligation to incorporate renewable energy source installation and energy generation fro m that source during early stages of design, however, low impact environmental buildings have to ensure that they do the integrate a renewable energy source within the design of the building and that also in the early phases of the design. In case of conventional buildings, the requirement for space heating is fulfilled through gas or electric heating systems, but in the case of low carbon buildings, the dependence on gas or electric heating systems for space heating has to be reduced by at least 90 percent. Furthermore, the total amount of energy consumed in the process of space heating typically exceeds the mark of 15 kWh/m2. However, in the case of low carbon buildings, experts agree that this number cannot exceed the 15kwh/m2 mark. Vale and Vale (2002) are amongst the list of scholars and experts that have indirect critiqued the idea and concept of low carbon buildings. They believe that buildings do not have the responsibility to exhibit sustainable and environmentally responsi ble behaviour but people have this moral and ethical responsibility. Therefore, it is not necessary or imperative to create building with low carbon, green or sustainable design but people should mould and alter their lifestyle choices in such a way that their actions generate lesser carbons emissions. A conventional house will have much lesser carbon emissions than a low carbon house, if the people living within that the building are to make sustainable lifestyle choices (p. 485). Ramus & Montiel (2005) highlighting some of the problems associated with the low carbon buildings identified that in many cases, ashamed of their carbon emissions data, most architects disown or