Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leadership strategy Essay

A primary task of high performance leadership is to provide strategic direction to the organisation, various departments and divisions within the organisation, and to the people who ultimately implement strategic leadership. But regular employees are seldom involved in the process. Authoritarian governance has had two powerful and mutually reinforcing dynamics: People at â€Å"the top† of the organisation, normally in senior managerial positions, have tended to maintain control over strategic processes. They have often become alienated from the realities of operational or shop floor demands and challenges People at operational levels have been part of authoritarian behaviour in different ways (passivity, fear, frustrated) The core challenge is to position strategic leadership as an integrated set of activities and processes which ensure that people across all levels and functions understand their own roles and accountabilities as it relates to the organisation’s strategic leadership Successful strategic leadership occurs when people across all levels and functions have a common understanding about a few essential issues: Knowledge of how strategic leadership is formulated, translated and communicated, implemented and assured within the organisation The formal business processes. The specific and different roles, rights and accountabilities of stakeholders Clear understanding of personal and team roles Comprehension of the various requirements and roles Popular acceptance that legitimate hierarchy and rank are essential components Definition and acceptance of the roles, rights and accountabilities The challenge is crafting solutions which create legitimate and popularly supported rank and hierarchy, and with clearly understood boundaries which describe what may and what may not be done by optimally empowered people Rank, hierarchy and boundaries per se are not only a feature of authoritarian systems. They are an essential part of successful democratic workplaces where a culture of high performance through high involvement can thrive There is still a need for clear definition of a range of roles, rights and accountabilities. There is a need to define two mutually reinforcing parameters: What are the roles, rights and accountabilities that have to be acknowledged by everybody to ensure the organisation’s capacity to fulfill the requirements of high performance What are the constraints, the limits or conditions of high involvement Drucker proposes that strategic leadership needs to fulfill requirements in four areas: Effectiveness Efficiency Long-term Short-term VISION (Long-term effectiveness): Understanding the organisation’s total competitive environment, and positioning it in the present so that it is appropriately placed INTERDEPENDENCE (Long-term efficiency): Identifying, balancing, integrating and aligning all of the external and internal variables that are likely to have an impact on the organisation’s capacity to fulfill its strategic leadership STRUCTURE (Short-term efficiency): Establish replicable standards, approaches and methods which minimize the need for duplication and enhances the capacity to deliver uniform or required quality as a matter of course ACTION (Short-term effectiveness): Taking the necessary steps and action to ensure the delivery of products and services which meet the needs of both internal and external customers An integrated strategic leadership consists of all four VISA elements. The dominance of only one element could perhaps be described as: Only vision: Exciting bankruptcy. People cannot identify with the development of strategies Only Interdependence: Happy bankruptcy: never-ending cycles of consultation Only Structure: Precise bankruptcy: bureaucracy and red tape Only Action: Busy bankruptcy: people perpetually busy but not necessarily productive The absence or weakness of any component of strategic leadership will undermine the success of the organisation: 0ISA: Weakness of vision leaves people without common direction V0SA: Poor interdependence almost always leads to some stakeholders feeling that their legitimate interests are not being met VI0A: Insufficient emphasis on standardization leads to lack of essential disciplines and conformance to necessary standards VIS0: Ultimately the organisation can only survive and thereby satisfy the interests of all its stakeholders if it has a high propensity for action Organisations and teams regularly develop a bias that values some elements more than they do others. Personal styles and approaches also contribute to establish our individual preferences and approaches. It is useful to rate your personal approaches and preferences, as well as that of your team or organisation Vision provides a compelling dream that galvanizes and aligns the behaviours and contributions of people across all levels and functions. A real vision is very active. It is filled with drive, energy and perpetual motion. The vision, or long term effectiveness element of strategic leadership, is achieved by fulfilling the following requirements: 1. Scan the external environment and conditions 2. enable leadership to anticipate long-term forces of change 3. create a challenging view of the future 4. tension between the desirable future and those elements of the present that could inhibit progress 5. communicated with passion 6. evaluated against the present 7. new challenges emerge 8. leadership must always act with insufficient information 9. interacting with stakeholders 10. dynamic and living process Interdependence acknowledges that no organisation operates in isolation. Every organisation is a system operating within a system. It requires the acknowledgement and willingness to embrace the interests of a variety of diverse stakeholders. The interdependent or long-term efficiency component of strategic leadership is fulfilled in the following ways: 1. Variables must be identified 2. The interests of all stakeholders must be defined and appreciated 3. Balance and meet all possible diverse stakeholder needs 4. The support of all stakeholders must be gained and increased over time 5. Interaction must be facilitated between stakeholders for them to appreciate their interdependent nature 6. There will inevitably be conflict between stakeholders 7. The roles and accountabilities that various people and stakeholders have to fulfill must be defined quite clearly 8. Keeping people adequately informed is a crucial element of interdependence 9. Mutual trust and respect 10. help people to define their own specific contributions to the organisation As organisations become more complex, and as the world within which we operate becomes increasingly unpredictable, the need for Structure increases significantly. Successful organisational strategic leadership has to establish and maintain a range of activities that introduce and maintain Structure: 1. The specific interests of stakeholders need to be both quantified and qualified 2. In today’s competitive environment it is essential for organisations to establish required benchmarks of performance 3. There is a constant interplay between specific stakeholder interests and meeting required benchmarks of performance 4. provision of relevant and useful information 5. Standards have to be set and communicated on an ongoing basis 6. Standards are no longer a fixed point on the horizon 7. The discipline of continuously and regularly monitoring performance is one that cannot be sacrificed 8. It also has to look at elements such as leadership style, living of values, and commitment to the subtleties of people development 9. Consequences of non-conformance need to be defined, understood and applied 10. people across all levels and functions thrive on information–driven problem solving Action is the level at which products and services are actually delivered to meet the interests of customers. Creating and keeping more customers. A sustained and high propensity for action is achieved in the following ways: 1. The organisation’s vision must be made relevant to operational areas 2. Customer needs cannot be fulfilled only by sales and distribution functions 3. Accountability has to be placed as close as possible to the source of action 4. people have to be continuously part of determining the limits and constraints within which they are expected to operate 5. Successful action is driven by leaders who establish their personal power of presence (top executives have no time) 6. Quality and productivity has to be an in-built function 7. demonstration of attitude and will 8. Emphasis on people development 9. attitude that accepts error as an inevitable consequence of innovation and action 10. A propensity for innovation and action LEARNING The growing complexity and competitiveness of the international and local economic environments within which organisations have to survive and prosper makes it essential for leaders of the future to value learning Leaders must develop the capacity to think simultaneously about paradoxical and contradictory requirements. The act of leadership is, as Peter Drucker puts it, the challenge of constructive destruction, of doing things differently and doing different things Kolb: real learning has only taken place when every one of the four facets has been included in the process: Abstract Conceptualization: â€Å"think about the previously unthinkable or unknowable†. It requires the capacity for hypothetical formulation Reflective Observation: need to stand back and observe what is happening Concrete Experience: ability to continuously asses what has worked and to pass this experience on to others. concrete experience remains one of the only ways in which organisations can develop replicable application of processes and activities that ensure minimum conformance to standards Active Experimentation: often organisations still limit the ability and space for people to become involved in such activities. Active experimentation requires calculated risk-taking The relationsip can be described as follows: Abstract conceptualization x reflective observation x concrete experience x active experimentation = Learning and Leadership Abstract Conceptualization x 0 x 0 x 0 = 0: we often remain hamstrung by old experiences which may have become irrelevant 0 x Reflective Observation x 0 x 0 = 0: Nothing happens and there is no real threat that anything will happen! 0 x 0 x Concrete Experience = 0: People relying predominantly upon concrete experience for their learning are caught in a perpetual search for the infallible, predictable, pre-planned, scheduled, structured, all-eventuality, and all bases covered solutions to problems – â€Å"late adapters† 0 x 0 x 0 x Active Experimentation = 0: All that matters for them is the exhilaration of making things up as you go The Consequences of Undervaluing any Facet of Learning: 0 x Reflective Observation x Concrete Experience x Active Experimentation = 0 (The absence of Abstract Conceptualization): It is much easier to define this symptom than it is to resolve it Abstract Conceptualization x 0 x Concrete Experience x Active Experimentation = 0 (The absence of Reflective Observation): The number of continuously changing variables which are capable of influencing the performance of an organisation are virtually endless. people either stopped taking a hard and reflective look at what was going on, or they stopped asking appropriate questions. he managers, and more often the specialist staff functions, start to confuse doing lots of things with an integrated and holistic approach, but they lack congruence and theoretical integration. without an integrative framework and commonly shared model, people rapidly lose their commitment and stamina to sustain focused activity Abstract Conceptualization x Reflective Observation x 0 x Active Experimentation = 0 (The absence of Concrete Experience): things become redundant while they are still on the drawing board or as soon as they are launched. age-old and essential facet of learning – the assimilation and valuing of concrete experience. The single most common symptom is that untested assumptions abound Abstract Conceptualization x Reflective Observation x Concrete Experimentation x 0 = 0 (The absence of Active Experimentation): People develop an inward approach to problems and issues. It does not take too long for such insularity to develop into suspicion of external developments By critically evaluating how organisations learn, and constantly determining whether all the facets of learning are being fully developed and utilized, we can provide a much more tenacious learning environment.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

African American Minority Group Essay

Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. The majority of African Americans came to the United States from Africa to be slaves, while others are citizens or residents of the United States from partial ancestry a form of the native population. In 1619, the first recorded Africans were recorded in British North America in Jamestown, Virginia, and the numbers began to increase as more English settlers died from harsh conditions and the Africans were brought to work as laborers. In the late 1700s the American Revolution occurred, which landed approximately 3 million Africans in slavery in the United States by the mid-1800s, (Centerwall, Brandon, 1984). In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the United States from a Union were free. Meanwhile the declaration of Africans being free from slavery was joyful event, it was also the beginning of a growing battle that lead to a different approach of discrimination including; segregation, prejudice, and racism. By the 1900s, the African American population increased, which majority of the population lived in the Southern states of the United States. The Southern states enforced the Jim Crow laws, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities giving white Americans advantages over black Americans in public schools, public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In order to eliminate the control that white Americans had over African Americans, African Americans began to build their own schools, churches, and communities. Although, African Americans building their own communities was the intention of avoiding the humiliation of the Jim Crow laws, it still didn’t prevent the African Americans from becoming victims of racially motivated violence. African Americans experienced countless acts of violence incidents that lead blacks battered, beaten and even dead in some cases. White Americans begin to form organizations that promoted white power, leading the organizations to practice out violence and destroy African Americans property. A popular white power organization called themselves the Ku Klux Klan and performed acts against blacks that included; lynching cross burnings, physical violence, and house burnings towards African Americans. Although, the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1867, it has been rumors that there are people that are still secretly members today. African Americans experienced a wider range of discrimination, segregation, and racism more so in the later days but still arise in society today. In a perfect world, no one would be judged by the color of their skin and society would focus on a person’s individual true character. Often times African Americans miss out on opportunities because they are being judged by the color of their skin, rather than their abilities. The United States has tried to provide Americans the rights to equal opportunity, by creating the Affirmative action. The affirmative action eliminates people being granted opportunities based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin and ensures that minority groups within a society receive equal opportunities. Although, the affirmative action was intended to diminish situations which cause people to participate in different forms of discrimination, but unless it could be fully proven that African Americans were being passed up for jobs, education, income and other forms of advancements there will never be a way to fully prohibit this form of discrimination. Today, there is still unequal opportunities and discriminatory treatment that occurs in the United States especially with African Americans. African Americans were affected by many forms of discrimination that decreased advancement to equal other races in society. They were faced with dual labor market, forcing blacks to work in lower labor market areas. Redlining was enforced by keeping businesses from helping African Americans simply because of the area they lived in. Many African Americans wanted to better themselves by furthering their education, but suffered from institutional discrimination and given less information and aid for education. Knowing the history of the African American struggles on; prejudice, discrimination, and segregation allows me to understand my roots and accomplishments of my ethnic group. Personally the history of African Americans affects me greatly, because it is the combination of struggles that has played a huge role to my advancements and opportunities performed daily. The African American ancestors fought daily through all counts of discrimination helps that allows all groups of different minority groups the same equal rights for advancement opportunities. Although, the majority of the world views of African Americans has changed there are still people that choose to discriminate against African Americans by choosing not to change with the ways of the world and maintain prejudice. Acts of discrimination is performed but not as greatly as many years ago. African American culture has had a rough past journey, but in the long run the majority of the United States has made it possible for all African Americans equal rights and opportunities in life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An insight into Zara as a Born Global Essay

Zara was first established just outside of Spain in1988, in 1994 Zara expanded into France and Mexico (Bhardwaj et al, 2010). Zara is owned by the INIDEX group in which it contributes to 64.8 per cent of total company sales (Inidex annual report, 2011) which was a 10 per cent growth on the previous fiscal year. Zara now has over 1830 stores worldwide across 82 markets in 64 countries, with plans to move into Korea, Egypt, Ukraine and Montenegro and a further 80 store to open in Russia. This research paper identifies Zara as a born-global company and a global leader in fast fashion by firstly differentiating between a born global and gradual global company. Secondly we investigate three main internationalisation theories which will help us gain greater understanding into the success of Zara and finally importance in which the marco-environmental factors and marketing mix play in creating a company which is unique, controlled and adaptable to new markets. Zara as a born global Understanding the difference between a gradual-global versus a born global fashion retailer is key to identifying Zara as a born global. Traditionally, firms gain knowledge over time about the marco-environmental factors and the level of investment in which they should commit to (Galvan-Sanchez, et al., 2010). Examples of companies that use the ‘gradual global process’ include Mark & Spencer and the GAP. Born-global’s, according to Bhardwaj et al, 2010 focus on early and rapid internationalization. Therefore we identify that the difference between a born global and a gradual global lies in the international process and three main theories; knowledge-sharing and entry mode, resource based, and physic distance. Let’s look at these internationalisation theories in more detail by first identify the difference between a born global and a gradual global approach. A Born global is assertive and perceives the world as one market place with utilising the local market as the core of the internationalisation process (Bhardwaj et al, 2010) whereas gradual global firms believe that domestic market is the core support and aversion and lack of knowledge results in slow learning process. Born-global maintain long-term relationships with intermediaries, are fully integrated and consider the marketplace as  homogenous whereas gradual global are partially integrated and consider the marketplace as heterogeneous (Basu, et al., 2011).. Lastly a born-global believes psychic distance is irrelevant in the internationalisation process whereas gradual global assume that the firms entry into a new market is a function of psychic distance from prior experience (Bhardwaj et al, 2010). Knowledge sharing and entry mode Knowledge sharing is the flow of information sharing within a company and is consider a major competitive advantage (Basu, et al., 2011). When a company expands into a foreign market forward knowledge flow is important (Galvan-Sanchez ,et al., 2010) as managerial experience and business structure can be communicated to newer stores from head-office. More importantly to this report lateral knowledge flow commutates vital marco-environmental information from the foreign market location back to headquarters for example Zara has three stores in Dubai in which they sell clothes predominately covering the shoulders and offer more conservative style to respect local culture (Bhardwaj et al, 2010). Communicating and integrating culture which include shared values and norms is vital in the strategy development process (Galvan-Sanchez, et al., 2010). According to Indiex 2011 annual report environmental factors also play a vital part in the success of their line limnetic difference with the stores located in the Northern Hemisphere, Zara has a team of designers who create specific fashion proposals for women, men and children. The latest trends are thus reflected in garments and textiles that are suitable for both hemispheres, in options which are continually renewed. Knowledge sharing is also crucial in selecting the appropriate entry mode into a new market which includes licensing, joint venture/subsidiaries to name a few (Bhardwaj et al, 2010). Zara is identified as selecting a licensing entry mode into new market which lowers risk on investment but increases communication and management overtime. Resource based theory Resource based theory is focused on asset exploiting foreign investment and suggests that ownership-specific advantages provide Zara with a resource based framework which is valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and not substitutable (Bhardwaj et al., 2011). Zara is a vertically integrated  company and is not hierarchal which helps create pseudo-backward integration (Basu, et al. 2011). Zara’s success also comes from training and employing local workers in new stores which provides relevant feedback and creates job growth (Rennie, 1993) which in turn can provide valuable information for future marketing strategy and promotion (Galvan-Sanchez, et al., 2010). The Zara brand is also known for being up-to-the-minute and affordable due to its highly developed technological communication which feeds POS and store information directly back to headquarters to be analysed (Inidex annual report, 2011) and adjusted to ensure succession in the local market which ensures that price, place ment, product and type of promotion are remaining relevant and unique in the local market. These advantages have created strong positive response from foreign markets making its resource-based advantages and high-control strategy difficult to replicate (Bhardwaj et al., 2011). Psychic distance This theory deals with the relationship between the differing cultures in which a company deals with and is important in the understanding of the effects that the marco-environment have on the marketing mix. The key to Zara’s acceleration into foreign markets lies in competing in niche markets, which are flexible and move fast (Rennie, 1993) and is successful due to its knowledge gathering and sharing strategies implemented at the store level (Bhardwaj et al., 2011) in each market it enters. Understanding and respecting local political and legal powers, for example local taxes and governing powers that can effect price and product helps align the companies goals and objectives with the localised market without causing conflict of interest (Galvan-Sanchez, et al., 2010). Conclusion In conclusion, this article identifies Zara as a born global retailer which demonstrates that the companies knowledge sharing capability, unique strategy, high-risk, high-reward model based on its unique resource based advantages and psychic distance is paramount to the success of its internationalisation expansion and becoming a global leader in fast fashion. Reference List Basu, C., Cavusgil, E, Kim D., & Naidu G.M., 2011. ‘The innovativeness of Born-Globals and customer orientation: Learning from Indian Born-Globals,’ Journal of Business Research, 21/3, 879-886. Bhardwaj, V., Eickman, M., & Runyan R, C., 2010. ‘A Case study on the internationalisation process of a ‘born-global- fashion retailer: Zara,’ The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 21/3, 293-307. Galvan-Sanchez, I., Riaph-Criado, A., & Suarez-Ortega S.A., 2010. ‘A configuration-holistic approach to born-global firms strategy formation process,’ European Management Journal, 28, 108-123. Inidex. 2013. Annual Report 2011. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 13]. Rennie, M.W, 1993. ‘Born Global,’ The McKinsey Quarterly, 4, 45-52.

An Effective Teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 51

An Effective Teacher - Essay Example From this paper it kis clear that students are similarly encouraged to be regularly present in class to listen and perform in a stimulating atmosphere fostered by a teacher who demonstrates skillfulness in classroom management. Along with this characteristic comes the equivalent potential of promoting interactive discussions among students who eventually yield to the confidence of developing critical way of thinking and expressing their viewpoints on various sensible matters besides the main course. It is also a notable characteristic of an effective instructor to possess a genuine concern for the formation and development of values in every student aside from the typical acquisitithe reporter   believes he would be able to determine the areas in my teaching which I ought to adjust in order that each type of student is addressed according to capacity or manner of coping and general interests. Certain course activities have been capable of teaching him to be further contemplative as he observes myself at depth in relation to others.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

History - Assignment Example Oligarchs, through the different mechanisms of the government, only made their pockets deeper and their house bigger, while the citizens who work day-in and day-out are still dying from hunger and starvation with barely enough food on the table. This scenario of social entrapment brought forth the rise of Marxism and Socialism through revolutions, whether in the context of arms conflict or legal-political reforms. Cuba had Fidel Castro, Venezuela had Hugo Chavez, Mexico had Venustiano Carranza, and many more in Latin America. Socialism, with its thrust on social justice and equality to all, appealed well to the people who suffered from an extensive history of oppression by an oligarch or a dictator. 2. On pg. 855 in the section, â€Å"The West & Islam,† discuss the current issues between the Muslim world and the United States and why there is such anti-American feeling and resentment. Anti-American feelings, not only in Islamic states, but to the entire world, is the pre-emine nce of the United States on the four corners of the globe, from the small island-states of Oceania, to the icy winters of Siberia, the scorching land of Africa, even in the middle of the oceans in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Marshal Hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Marshal Hypothesis - Essay Example He was of the opinion that if the electorate was fully informed, they would reject the death penalty. I believe that this hypothesis is true, as many people who are in support of the death penalty are unaware of the facts behind it. One of the major reasons against the death penalty that would make the public reconsider their support for it is the discriminatory way in which it is applied. There has been evidence to show that the death penalty is more likely to be imposed on ‘poor, powerless African Americans.’ The fact that the juries were given the discretion to impose the death sentence means that there is a high likelihood of discrimination. Most people are unaware of the discriminatory nature of the application of the death penalty. If people were aware of this fact, fewer would support the harsh sentence (Walker 348). In most cases, it has been found that a majority of people change their opinions about the death penalty upon finding out the discriminatory way in w hich it is applied. The decisions of juries in capital cases can also be seen as evidence to support the Marshal hypothesis. The inconsistency with which the juries apply the death penalty can be interpreted to mean that the social values fundamentally reject the death penalty. ... The sentiment against the death penalty should therefore be considered in rendering the punishment invalid (Furman v. Georgia, 1972, p. 332). Various studies have also been conducted to test the Marshal Hypothesis. Most of the studies come up with the same results; that people with an informed opinion do not support capital punishment, and exposure to information on capital punishment reduces its support in those who were previously in its support. For most people, the most important goal of punishment is retribution, or ensuring that people are made to pay for their crimes. This is why in cases of crimes such as murder; some people will support the death penalty as they believe that is the only way that murderers can pay for their crimes. The support of the death penalty has been seen to be based on myths that surround the debate. One such myth is that the death penalty is more effective than a life imprisonment sentence. Another myth is that it leads to the lowering of the murder r ate if the death penalty is publicized. The facts about the death penalty are however that poor people who commit murder have a higher chance of being sentenced to death than rich people who commit the same crime. Black people are also more likely to receive the death penalty than the white offenders who have committed the same crime. If a white victim is murdered, the offender is more likely to receive a death penalty than would be the case if a black victim was murdered. This information has an impact on the people’s perception and acceptance of the death penalty (Walker 356). People who believe the myths about the death penalty change their opinion about it upon exposure to the truths about it. The Marshal Hypothesis says that people

Friday, July 26, 2019

I Do Not Speak English (Naia) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

I Do Not Speak English (Naia) - Essay Example I had seen and heard too much about the USA in books and media throughout my childhood, but this was my first chance to move to the USA. Coming to the USA was a different and new experience for me altogether. I had come from a society which was not as diverse as the society in the USA in terms of race, color, ethnicity, or religion. In the USA, the first thing my parents did for me was look for a good school for me. I got admitted in the Carmel High School. It was way big as compared to the school I had come from. When I arrived in the USA, I knew very basic English, if any. It was so difficult to communicate with the local people in the USA. I did not even know how to put words together to form a sentence. It took me so long to translate everything I thought into English that I frequently would become conscious that I was boring the person listening to me. The local people said things so fast that it was nearly impossible for me to catch what they said. I had to make them come again and again until I finally got their point. This was very emotionally demanding. It was indeed as difficult for them to cooperate with me as for me to catch up with them. Because of my language problem, I used to remain generally quite unless it was extremely necessary to talk. The local people there did not understand that this was the reason behind my quietness, and many would take me for proud, which I was absolutely not. I was missing my hometown a lot, but thinking about Bogota was useless as my parents would not allow me to live alone there. I had to stay in the USA. I realized that to adapt to the new culture and adjust in the American society, the first thing I needed to do was improve my English, so I started taking English classes. I worked with will, determination, and hard work. It did not take me much time to get hold of the basics. Within a year or so, I was able to write comprehensive essays in English. Every day, I learned at least two new words of English from the d ictionary, and would incorporate them in my writing the very day. This practice not only helped me polish my writing skills, but also helped me improve my English vocabulary. Today, I am proficient enough in English to qualify as an American citizen. One thing that I was always sure about was that in order to integrate into the American society, I would have to appreciate diversity as it happens to be a very integral trait of the American society. I started reading books about different cultures, and their individualistic trends, traditions, norms and values. I even studied comparative religious books in order to have an insight into the fundamentals of the beliefs of people belonging to different religions. This not only helped me understand the people around me better, but also increased by general knowledge a lot. Being aware of the religious and cultural norms and values of people in my class, neighborhood and the marketplace helped me socialize with them in such a way that they felt comfortable in my company and became my friends. I have seen tough times when I was in the high school. Bullying in the high school was very common. Senior students bullied the younger ones in a large number of ways including abusing, threatening, punching, and calling names. Laws of the high school were flexible, which was one reason why the students behaved irresponsibly. Although when I was in my high school, I had been living in the USA for quite some while, yet my English at that point in time was not very good. As my class-fellows

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Major paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Major paper 1 - Essay Example I hope to gain more from the university and the American society in general. The essay examines my learning experience, not just in education, but also in other areas of culture. The paper, therefore, attempts to provide a comprehensive narrative of my experience as a Chinese student in America, forming a potential foundation for others in my position to adjust and gain maximum benefits from the American society. Before coming to America, I always had a dream to study abroad in the hope of pursuing high quality education. In addition, I hoped to experience other people’s cultures, while getting a global point of view of issues surrounding the modern society. My parents and peers encouraged the move, terming it as a path towards self-discovery and exploration of my career options. Given all these factors, my move to America was filled with high expectations, hopes to make friends immediately, and enjoying all the things that the new culture had to offer. Even though I was slightly nervous during my flight from Beijing, my excitement was more than any concerns. For this reason, I did not take possible challenges into consideration and as a result, I was not fully prepared for the American life. On arrival from China, I was welcomed quickly but warmly at the airport. It is here that I began observing the differences between China and America. For example, while back at home people take their time to show you around or at least give you directions to wherever you want to go, majority of Americans do not have the patience for that. I also came to realize that many people in America are highly suspicious of strangers and therefore, interact cautiously with them. I also noted that unlike in China, where taxi drivers keep to themselves, in America they tend to ask many questions. It was rather difficult to keep up with the basic conversation after arrival, since I only understood a few English words. In consideration of these observations, it would perhaps be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Single mothers and children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Single mothers and children - Essay Example The homeless women and their families are exposed to deplorable living standards that sometimes may be described as inhumane and unworthy of human habitation. Polakow, in her book, succinctly captures this view when she says that, â€Å"This necessitates the decoding of our own myths of democracy and enlightened progress as one out of four infants, one out of five children, and one out of four single mothers already live in destitution, and as thousands more stand on the edge of a landscape that condemns, like young Oliver Twists, to their proper stations† (Polakow, 1994, pp. 3-4). The question that then presents itself is; why single mothers and children? The population of homeless women continues to rise every year, particularly the number of single homeless women. Many scholars have been quick to point out that the rising numbers of homeless single women represents the feminization of poverty across the globe (Rosenheck, Bassuk, and Salomon, 2010, p. 1). Many of the exceptionally destitute women have limited, job skills, earning power and education, and are beleaguered by childcare duties. In families where the woman is the head of the family, it is quite common to find that they are poorer than two-parent families because of the existence of a single income and the cost of bringing up a child. These facts only serve to prove that poor women do not have a chance in the contemporary labor market, which is primarily planned to support two-parent families with male breadwinners (Rosenheck, Bassuk, & Salomon, 2010, p.1). This leaves the single mother with no option but to seek additional income, failure of which results in the inabilit y to provide. This ultimately has the effect of forcing such women to seek accommodations in shelters resulting to an increase in the number of homeless people. The increasing numbers of homeless children may be directed attributed to child abandonment either by parents who cannot be able to provide for their needs, or by death

An HIV Symptom Management Intervention for African-American mothers Essay

An HIV Symptom Management Intervention for African-American mothers - Essay Example The main purpose of this study was to "determine the efficacy of an HIV self-care symptom management intervention in reducing emotional distress and improving health among low income African American mothers with HIV." The study was based on the Maternal HIV Self-Care Symptom Management framework. The framework was adapted from the University of California-San Francisco model for symptom management as well as the current literature and studies on African-American women with HIV. As in most studies, a control and an intervention group were formed. In both groups, the HIV infected African-American women reported low income and were mothers of at least one child under the age of 9. 17 grandmothers were also involved in this study, 8 of which were placed in the intervention group. In the intervention group, the implemented procedures regarding the Maternal HIV Self-Care Symptom Management framework were the same for all subjects. The procedures regarding data collection were also the same. Data was collected during 3 data collection points: once during the enrollment of the patients in the clinics, and twice primarily in their homes. Between data collection points, the mothers were telephoned twice, in order to help with retention.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rephrase Completely Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rephrase Completely - Essay Example tickets with much lower costs with their business model mirroring that of SWA with only a single type of airplane being used thus lowering their total maintenance costs. In addition, JetBlue has also been successful in its cost management strategy by plying their aircrafts to longer distances and also boarding more passengers in a single flight. This strategy has enabled them to gain more profits by covering the fixed costs in the higher number of tickets sold. The low fares offered by the airline per available seat-mile is the lowest fare provided in the whole of the US. Apart from the cost leadership, JetBlue further distinguishes itself from SWA in other facilities offered to the passengers. SWA has only been able to offer the low air fares by compromising on certain passenger amenities. However, JetBlue has been able to provide high-class services to its passengers even while offering low fares. Some of the facilities offered which distinguishes JetBlue from its competitors include comfortable leather seats; several facilities for entertainment such as individual screens and radio channels. Thus JetBlue has been able to successfully integrate the lower costs of structure and operations with high-class facilities and service provided to the passengers. In addition to these, better services and low fares are also available even during ticket procurement. JetBlue deploys live agents in the ticketing department as it has realized that several customers prefer to speak to agents directly while purchasing their tickets. They also offer home sourcing fo r aged customers who are unable to commute or buy tickets online. Such measures have increased their productivity and emerged as a cheaper alternative to outsourcing and has also contributed to better face value among its customers. Adopting the integration strategy has given a competitive advantage to JetBlue which offers low cost and a relatively better service value While such integrative measures can create a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Communication an organisations Essay Example for Free

Communication an organisations Essay This assessment is to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the topics taught in leading and motivating a team effectively module of the ILM Level 3 Course in Leadership and Management. The document will be split into two main sections, the first section will focus on how to communicate an organisations vision and strategy to the team as well as provide an analysis on its importance. The second section will look at the role motivation in the development of a team. Section 1: How to communicate an organisations vision and strategy to the team One of the definitions of the word team (in its verb form) is, come together to achieve a common goal (Oxford University Press, 2014). It is this common goal or purpose that turns a group of individuals into a team without a common purpose or goal to strive toward a team cannot function effectively. For example in a football team each player needs to know their place and role in the team, but also the strategy and vision for wider team, is the team an attacking team, a defensive team, do they attack via the wings etc. without knowing the common goal of the team the players will look to their own role and not know how to support the wider team and therefore are less likely to achieve their common goal. The same holds true within an organisation not just at an individual person level but at a departmental level, if teams do not know the wider vision or strategy of the organisation they can become siloed and retreat upon themselves and just focus on delivering the â€Å"day job† rather than support the organisation in a more holistic role. With the above in mind, it’s clear to see that for a team to perform it needs clarity in its purpose, and from a business point of view this should be given by the vision and strategy of the organisation. The vision tells us what the organisation wants to be, it doesn’t focus on the how that is the role of the strategy, the vision is a simple statement of what it wants to achieve. Below is an example vision statement from Amazon. Our vision is to be earths most customer-centric company where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online†¦ at the lowest possible prices. It’s a fairly short statement but allows staff and managers to know that the focus of Amazon is on three things †¢Being Customer Focused †¢Providing Online Services †¢Cost effectiveness (for Amazon and the customer) With the vision clearly stated it helps teams understand the direction in which the organisation wants to go, the next step is to explain how team fits in this vision and will help deliver it. Once the vision of an organisation is understood, it’s important about going about explaining how it will achieve this and this is referred to as the strategy. The strategy should be a series of plans that detail how elements of the vision will be achieved; for example Amazon’s vision could be split into two strategies; being customer centric and providing online services with cost effectiveness being a theme that runs across both strategies. These plans would then be broken down into more tactical detail such as action plans and SMART objectives to be carried out an operational level. For example a call centre team will have several objectives/KPI such as Calls answered in less than 5 seconds in a given month or First Time Call Resolution 95% (Year to Date), which without much explanation simply look like tools to ensure staff are doing their jobs when in fact they are SMART objectives that relate to the customer focused strategy of Amazon’s vision and how effec tively that strategy is working. It is the performance of these objectives that dictate future strategy, poor performance may result in a change of strategy (i.e. outsourcing) where as good performance could result in the current strategy being maintained or even expanded (i.e. expansion to provide alternative services) and as such it is vital that staff are informed not only of their objectives and targets but how and why they exist, and what their overall effect on the business is. As we can see the role the vision and strategy plays in the performance of a team or individual is huge but it can be a two edged sword if the vision and strategy are either poorly communicated, misunderstood or simply unknown. As such communication is key, to ensure that the common sense and purpose that the vision and strategy provides is embedded and understood. There are many methods of communication available within an organisation in aid of establishing a common purpose, but the first method is that the vision statement should be one that staff and customers can relate too and  understand, if the vision doesn’t make sense the job to communicate it to staff will be twice as hard. A good basis for ensuring good communication is using the seven principles of communication; to ensure the message is clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and naturally courteous. Once the message has been developed, it’s a matter of choosing the medium in which it is delivered; there are various methods such as email, telephone, meetings, seminars, presentation, 1-2-1s, newsletters all of which to be effective must be used at the right time and place. As the vision is a supposed to provide a common purpose and understanding of what the company wants to be, it suggests that the best way to communicate this message is via more group/communal methods such as Team meetings, Away days or newsletters where the same message can be relayed to multiple staff at a time and avoids confusion or contamination of the key messages trying to be delivered, that can occur in mores personal communications such as 1-2-1 meetings. For example a team meeting where a contact centre manager for Amazon relays the vision of the company and how the team’s work fits in and helps deliver it to their 10 staff, is likely to be more effective than having 10 1-2-1 sessions in which they deliver they try to deliver the same message which is likely to alter between sessions due to personal relationships coming into play, more two way conversation disrupting the flow of the message, the recipient choosing to understand the message how they see it rather than how it was said and then finally the confusion that can occur when team members compare conversations. This is not to say that group communication is always the best method to use as it does also have its downsides such as; it’s less likely people will ask questions in team/group meetings and could result in misunderstandings/confusion, if the person delivering the message is not clear and does not understand the message being delivered it will have a negative impact on the recipients, they can become side tracked by issues that arise during the meeting and people forget the message being delivered. My own skills actually lend themselves to small groups or 1-2-1 sessions as I struggle to manage wider groups at times, especially when the meeting goes off topic or several conversations start within the meeting. However as I only manage two staff at the moment this hasn’t hampered my ability to communicate a common sense of purpose to my staff as I have my own concepts on what our role is in the  business, however as highlighted in our learner session in July we did struggle as a group to find the group’s vision and strategy, which in itself is a failing in that without knowing the true vision and strategy of the business how can I communicate that to my staff and could potentially be providing them with a purpose that is counter to the organisations own goals. In reflection this had led me to book in some time to read the new business plan, and in readiness I’ve booked a team meeting together with my staff to go over it and highlight were we as a team fit in it. I’ve also took some time recently to review our action plans and KPI’s on Covalent, which is a software we use to link action plans and KPI’s together to strategies to see how our objectiv es are linked to the wider organisation and through that hopefully provide better clarity and coherent information to my staff. Hopefully my management of meetings will improve through this course, as one of the modules in on managing meetings effectively. In conclusion I use to think my communication skills were quite good, however through this exercise I’ve noted that while my method of delivery and communication style may be good it doesn’t mean much if you don’t truly know the message you are trying to convey which until I’m up to speed on the business plan and our place in it I can’t say I know what that message should be without retreating into the â€Å"day job† which as mentioned at the beginning is a symptom of a team who doesn’t know the organisations vision or strategy. Section 2: Know how to motivate and develop the team Section 2.1: Describe the main motivational factors in a work context and how these may apply to different situations, teams and individuals. There are multiple models and theories for motivation such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Alderfers ERG theory, Acquired Needs Theory by McClellan and Two Factor Theory by Hezberg to name a few and while most can be used to explain motivational factors in a work context some such as Maslow’s and Alderfer’s theory require more adaption or to make it fit as such I’ll be using Hezberg’s Two factor theory to describe the main motivational factors in the work context. According to Herzberg, two kinds of factors affect motivation,  and they do it in different ways: Hygiene factors: These are factors that are taken for granted and can be seen as having no positive satisfaction by themselves, however if they were taken away would cause a dramatic down turn in morale and motivation. An example is a policy of free tea and coffee for staff by itself unlikely to motivate staff but if it was removed would have a negative impact. Motivator factors: These are factors whose presence motivates. Their absence does not cause any particular dissatisfaction, it just fails to motivate. An example would be recognition at work for a job well done, achieving a promotion. Looking at the above it would seem that simply applying the motivator factors would cause an increase in motivation and simply ensuring the hygiene factors stayed in place is the sure fire way to succeed in motivating your staff, however the below example shows how by applying one rule to an individual can affect the team as a whole. Person A is doing a good job and as such you wish to increase motivation by recognising their work, which you do by offering a promotion/raise or bonus, this however can impact on the rest of the team as Pay and Benefits also come under Hygiene factors and as such by rewarding one and not everyone in the team this can cause a demotivation or job dissatisfaction. Section 2.2: Explain the importance of a leader being able to motivate teams and individuals and gain their commitment to objectives. Section 2.3: Explain the role that the leader plays in supporting and developing the team and its members and give practical examples of when this will be necessary

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How to Write an English Language Dissertation

How to Write an English Language Dissertation An English language dissertation is a substantive academic piece of writing at postgraduate level – Masters or Doctoral – that aims to defend a thesis or position and, by doing so successfully, contributes original research and insight to the field of English language studies. Understanding how to write an English language dissertation is the first step in achieving the demanding academic objectives of original and significant research in your field. Learning how to write an English language dissertation then, is probably the most important part of postgraduate studies. How to begin to write an English language dissertation. There are two major components to learning how to write an English language dissertation. These are: The planning, research and note-taking phase The structuring, organising and writing phase Understanding how to write an English language dissertation begins with the deceptively simple task of developing a clear and achievable objective within a given topic or area of research. When writing an English language dissertation, the topic will change over time, as research and reading brings to light new ideas and questions, until it develops into a very specific focus based within the original research topic of interest. The planning, research and note-taking phase should begin as soon as possible, but the structuring, organising and writing phase should also begin sooner rather than later. This is because both phases are mutually supportive. It is important to remember that learning how to write a successful and significant English language dissertation requires numerous drafts. With each new draft, the topic of the thesis becomes clearer and directs the student to further research. Both phases of writing an English language dissertation should occur simultaneously. Planning how to write an English language dissertation. The initial planning, research and note-taking phase begins with developing a topic, usually in collaboration with the student supervisor. The supervisor will be the first point of contact and this is where you begin by sounding-out your ideas for a suitable topic. The topic chosen for an English language dissertation will be general, at first, for example you may be interested in the sociolinguistic aspect of the English language. Begin by reading widely in sociolinguistics until you uncover a specific aspect that might come up in the literature, but that has yet to be explored further. This gap in the research is where you may focus your own research project and offer something new in the field of sociolinguistics. For example, a more appropriate research topic would be to consider how sociolinguistic theory of the English language may offer insight into the fiction of migrant novelists. When you have decided on a narrower topic of interest, you must be able to write it up in about eight words. This will be the title of your English language dissertation. Learning how to write an English language dissertation, however, is not just about coming up with a topic and writing about it. A student faced with the task of writing a dissertation must balance two things: theoretical research and practical activity. The theoretical aspect simply refers to reading, research, analysis and evaluation. The practical aspect involves personal and time management, setting deadlines and meeting them. It is important to address the practical aspects of writing your English language dissertation as soon as possible, by doing the following: Develop a draft title for your dissertation Write up an initial reading list Write an outline of the dissertation Set a date for completion of initial reading list Set a date for a first draft Set dates for subsequent research deadlines Set dates for subsequent drafts How to write an English language dissertation with effective structure. Learning how to write an English language dissertation also includes learning about structure. Individual universities and supervisors have their own expectations of how a dissertation should be structured, so in all cases it is best to refer to your supervisor and to your departmental handbook for writing an English language dissertation. In general, however, your dissertation should be structured like this: Title page: Include the title of your dissertation, your name, your supervisors name, and department and course information. Abstract: Summarise the introduction, body and conclusion of your dissertation in around 125 words. Acknowledgements: Thank the people who have been instrumental to you during the writing of your English language dissertation. Table of contents: List the chapters and sections of your dissertation with page numbers. Introduction: Introduce your thesis, outline the scope and structure of your dissertation and anticipate your conclusion. Main body: Present in complete detail your research and reading, respond with your analysis and evaluation of the research, and argue your new and significant perspective. Conclusion: State your response to the original thesis of your English language dissertation and conclude your argument. Remember that your conclusion must present something completely new in the field of English language studies. You may also make recommendations for further research along the lines of your topic. Bibliography: List your sources according to the style preferred by your university. Consult the style guides before doing this. Because this is an English language dissertation you will most likely use the styles preferred by the Humanities, such as CMS, MLA, Harvard or Oxford. Acknowledging your sources is as important as writing and researching, because it shows the breadth of your background reading and accumulated knowledge and avoids accusations of plagiarism. Appendices: Add information that is not necessary to your central argument but may be of interest to your reader for further exploration and research. How to write an English language dissertation with effective style. When writing an English language dissertation it is important to remember that this is a significant piece of academic work, no less than an intellectual and critical achievement. As such, your work must not only be original and give evidence of superior research skills and critical thinking and analysis, but it must also be written with style and quality that is indicative of your flair for academic reasoning. The purpose of writing an English language dissertation is to present your ideas in a clear and concise fashion, using vocabulary that is suitable to your purpose, and executed in an appropriate style to your subject. It is important to write well at both the sentence level and the overall level. Sentences should be grammatically correct and linked together to effectively present your analysis and argument. At the larger level, paragraphs should be organised in a way that allows the argument to flow naturally and logically to its conclusion. The style and quality of your writing is the main tool that will help you showcase your research and critical thinking skills. Learning how to write an English language dissertation in the style appropriate to the field is the best way to exhibit the desired academic ideals of critical thinking and and significant research at the culmination of your studies. 2/ 4

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Offshore Catering Companies

Offshore Catering Companies The best way to break in the world of marine or oil rig employment is offshore catering companies. With no experience required on offshore locations, getting through the selection process is not tough either. As offshore catering companies provide catering operations in different countries, once can gain tremendous amount of experience and move up the employment ladder quickly as well. The term off-shoring has different meanings in different context. In regard with catering business, companies which relocate their business processes in different countries or provide catering services and solutions offshore are termed as offshore catering companies. The management and control of offshore catering companies is outside the jurisdiction of its primary location. These businesses are organized and maintained in offshore financial centers. Benefits of Offshore Catering Companies For a mobile workforce, food becomes the most important factor for productivity as well as well being. Traveling in sea or long hauls in abroad locations can leave any one asking for regular food which one has grown up and get accustomed to. Absence of such basic requirements can leave the workforce dejected and listless. Therefore any business set up with mobile workforce or foreign stays must hire an offshore catering company that can deliver quality food all the time with consistency in taste as well as hygiene. For a business, an offshore catering company takes care of the following things: On demand availability of food: There are times when a crew member celebrates his birthday or marriage ceremony or there is a general get together. In such conditions, nicely cooked food with some exoticness can add more sheen to the event and thus give the workforce a much needed break from the monotony of the work lifestyle. Presence of offshore catering companies on board thus can make a lot of difference in the way the crew celebrates events. Dedicated department with zero responsibility: As the food department belongs to an offshore catering company, the responsibility of arranging the infrastructure or the tools for cooking reduces to the bare minimum and the responsibility gets transferred to the offshore catering companies. Cost benefits: Needless to say, hiring an offshore catering company has many cost benefits as well. One doesnt need to set up the cooking infrastructure and bear the various overheads involved with the procurement of the raw materials and other things needed for the cooking process. However the benefits dont stop only for the companies hiring offshore catering companies, In fact the offshore companies enjoy various benefits as well such as: Tax discounts: The benefits of moving the business by offshore catering companies to an offshore location can be seen in terms of tax discounts they get by operating in offshore financial center. Less Paperwork: Another advantage of forming offshore catering companies is reduced hassles of paper work which leads to the less complicated running of operations. Also little reporting work is required for auditing and verification purposes in offshore companies. Confidentiality maintenance: By incorporating offshore catering companies one can keep the data about company structure and other affairs private which is not possible onshore. Thus offshore catering companies, when seen as a full fledged industry, which needs security of data and various financial benefits, becomes a nice ways for the regular catering companies to increase the span of their clients and services. Working in offshore catering companies Working in offshore catering companies can be highly exciting and rewarding but at the same time, quite demanding. Working for offshore catering companies requires extensive diligence and commitment. Catering work on offshore oil rigs is one of the popular jobs among jobseekers. An offshore oil company requires catering personnel like chefs, housekeeping staff and cooks on regular basis. Catering companies offer service offshoring for such requirements. The most important thing required to work in offshore catering companies is ability to handle pressure as working conditions are really challenging. The work involves the preparation and presentation of quality food, cleaning and sanitation tasks and maintenance of cordial customer relationship. Offshore catering companies require a proper back office system to track various catering activities. If you want to work in offshore catering companies then you may explore several options available apart from culinary stuff. You can get involved in activities like planning and coordination of catering events, communicating with customers about menu requirements, creating and verifying catering budget and monitoring the quality of food and ingredients used. There are number of work opportunities available in offshore catering companies like cooking, housekeeping, goods supply management, customer interaction etc. Apart from work experience one can benefit from some special training like first aid training and offshore survival training for getting hired in offshore catering companies. Opportunities for Catering Personnel working in offshore catering companies There are numerous opportunities available for catering personnel working offshore. Generally offshore catering companies get contract for offshore catering from different sectors. One of the important categories which require the services of offshore catering companies are oil rig companies. Offshore catering companies get requirement of catering staff from oil rigs not only for cooking but for a lot of other activities also, so opportunities for catering personnel are quite high and rewarding here. Listed below are some of the positions: Chef Head Cook: Chef Head Cook has the important responsibility of managing the whole kitchen and preparing good quality meals. The job requires experience because the task is to prepare sumptuous food in huge amount and that on regular basis as well. CampBoss: This is also a high level position that requires experience and is responsible for the management of whole offshore catering department.CampBossensures the smooth functioning of all the catering related activities and of course the preparation of healthy and nutritious food. There is catering staff which assists the camp boss in managing all this stuff. Housekeeping staff: Housekeeping and cleaning activities also come under the catering department in offshore companies. Offshore catering companies are required to provide housekeeping staff along with other staff. Their job involves cleaning and maintaining kitchen area, mess, recreational and sleeping halls. Night Baker: All the bread, muffins, desserts needed by crew is baked by the night baker. Offshore assistant Cook: Assistant cook helps the lead chef and also required to work as a night cook. He follows the instructions of master chef and prepares meals according to his recipes and guidelines. The options are not only many but voluminous as well. There are a plenty of offshore catering companies that generate a huge demand for such vacancies. However in order to get a job, one must show dexterity, multitasking, patience and high level of commitment.

The First World War and Womens Suffrage in Britain Essay -- Womens R

Outline A. Plan of Investigation B. Summary of Evidence C. Evaluation of Sources D. Analysis Works Cited A. Plan of Investigation The 19th century was an important phase for feminism in Britain. The suffrage movement began as a struggle to achieve equal rights for women in 1872. Women then became active in their quest for political recognition, which they finally obtained in 1928. This investigation assesses the question: To what extent did the First World War lead to the accomplishment of the women’s suffrage movement of Britain in 1928? Two of the sources used in the essay, The Women’s Suffrage: a short history of a great Movement by Millicent Garrett Fawcett, and The cause: a short history of the women's movement in Great Britain By Ray Strachey, are evaluated for their origin, purpose, value and limitations. This investigation will consider the role of women before, during, and after the war. B. Summary of Evidence The Women’s national movement, in the United Kingdom began in 1792, in response to female oppression and lack of rights. (Strachey, 12) The female society had narrow and futile lives, (Fawcett, 13) women had no place in national politics, and they were absolute to men and had no real standing of their own. (Fawcett, 15) Their justification of existence was to be wives, child bearers, and daughters of men. (Strachey, 16) For example, in 1832 the word ‘male’ was introduced instead of ‘person’ in the Reform act, showing the discrimination of females in the society. (Rover, 84) Women faced a bitter reality, thus sought ‘Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity† as claimed by Mary Wollstonecraft, whose book A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, expresses the feminist ideal and claim for human righ... ... Suffragettes: the Women's Social and Political Union, 1903-1918. Madison [N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1999. Print. †¢ "Millicent Garrett Fawcett: Biography." Spartacus Educational. Web. 9 Dec. 2011. . †¢ "Ray Strachey: Biography." Spartacus Educational. Web. 09 Dec. 2011. . †¢ Bourke, Joanna. "Women on the Home Front in World War One." BBC News. BBC. Web. 15 Sept. 2011. . †¢ Rover, Constance. Women's Suffrage and Party Politics in Britain, 1866-1914. SPH, 1967. Print. †¢ Strachey, Ray. Cause: a Short History of the Women's Movement in Great Britain. London: Virago, 1988. Print. †¢ Pugh, Martin. Women and the Women's Movement in Britain, 1914-1999. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Privatization of Electricity in Tanzania :: essays research papers fc

Privatization of Electricity in Tanzania The story of Tanzania, from pre-colonialist period to present Tanzania, located in East Africa, is one of the least developed countries in the world. According to the UNDP Human Development Index, Tanzania ranked 162 out of 177 countries in the 2004 survey (UNDP:2004, HDI), with one being the most developed. According to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) prepared by Tanzanian officials for the World Bank, half of Tanzanians 36.6 million people are characterized as â€Å"poor† and one-third live in â€Å"abject poverty†(WB: PRSP p.1). Tanzanians have a life expectancy of 43.5 years, a fertility rate of 5.1 births per woman, an HIV prevalence of 8.8%, and a population growth rate of 1.95% (UNDP: 2004). Agriculture makes up half of the country’s GDP, 85% of the exports, and 80% of the labor force (CIA: 2004). Culturally, Tanzanians are made up of 130 different tribes, each speaking their own mother tongue. The official languages of Tanzania are Kiswahili and English, with English being the main language in commerce, administration, and higher education (CIA: 2004). Kiswahili is a mix of Bantu languages, English, and Arabic, and is indicative of the millennia old history of trade with the outside world. Records of trade routes with the Middle East date back to the 1st century AD (govt web: early history). Zanzibar and the coastal town of Bagamoya were the hubs of the East African slave trade, active for well over a thousand years (pilot). While the early slave trade with the Middle East existed only on a small scale, transporting around 100 slaves at a time, the appearance of Europeans in the 17th century ratcheted up the trade to a much larger scale and level of organization, at its height moving 15,000 slaves a year out of East Africa (pilot). Serious efforts to end the slave trade began in the 19th century, though the trade continued through the German occupation of then German East Africa in the latter part of the century. In 1919 after World War I, Britain took over German East Africa, renaming it Tanganyika, and permanently put an end to the slave trade (govt web: colonial period ). Tanganyika attained independence from British rule in 1961 and Zanzibar followed soon after in 1963, ending the existence of the British mandated territory. Tanzania was formed in 1964 by uniting the mainland, Tanganyika, and the islands of Zanzibar. An excerpt from the Tanzanian National Website displays an interesting official interpretation of the lingering effects of centuries of occupation by foreigners (my emphasis):

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Buddhism and Hinduism Essay

There is a variety of belief systems practiced throughout the world today. Many of these beliefs have developed massive followings, and as a result, have had a considerable amount of influence on culture in the areas where they are practiced. These religions include Buddhism which is most prominent in East Asia and Hinduism which is most prominent in India although both religions is sometimes seen as a philosophy rather than a religion. These religions are similar to each other but differ in some of their views. First, Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B. C. n northern India by a man known traditionally as Siddhartha (meaning â€Å"he who has reached the goal†) Gautama, the son of a warrior prince. Some scholars believe that he lived from 563 to 483 B. C. , though his exact life span is uncertain. The origins of Hinduism were somewhere in the Indian subcontinent region, at some point in the Neolithic stone age. The exact time and location are unknown. According to Hindu belief there was no origin; such things have always existed and will always exist infinitely. Second, Buddhists follow the beliefs of Buddha. The Four Noble Truths are one of the central teachings of the Buddhist tradition. The teachings on the four noble truths explain the nature of dukkha, its causes, and how it can be overcome. The four noble truths can be summarized as: The truth of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, and stress), the truth of the origin of dukkha, the truth of the cessation of dukkha, and the truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukkha. Buddhists also believe in Nirvana. Nirvana means â€Å"cessation†, â€Å"extinction† (of craving and ignorance and therefore suffering and the cycle of involuntary rebirths (samsara)), and â€Å"extinguished; it is also known as â€Å"Awakening† or â€Å"Enlightenment† in the West. Third, Buddhism has an influence on the culture of the places where it is practiced. Buddha’s teachings influence Buddhists to follow their everyday routine so they can reach nirvana which is also known as a heaven. Also Buddhism drastically reduced the impact and influence of the stone cold caste system and social class structure that use to be apparent before Buddhism in India. Buddhism influenced the Indian art including many sculptures which were made in the image of Buddha. Fourth, Hinduism is not an organized religion and has no single, systematic approach to teaching its belief system. Nor do Hindus have a simple set of rules to ollow. Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, monism, and atheism among others; and its concept of God is complex and depends upon each individual and the tradition and philosophy followed. Similar to Buddhists, Hindus also believe in karma and samsara. Karma can be described as the â€Å"moral law of cause and effect†. Samsara is the repeating cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Fifth, Hinduism has an influence on the culture of the places where it is practiced. Hinduism influenced the Caste System rather than suppressing it like Buddhism did. The Caste System is the social classes of India, and is still accepted by some in India, even though it is now illegal. Hinduism also influences how people eat since many Hindus are vegetarian. In conclusion, Buddhism and Hinduism are similar to each other but differ in some of their views and influence the culture of the areas in which it is practiced. Both religions believe in karma, samsara, and nirvana. Buddhism reduced the caste system in India while Hinduism influenced the caste system to be in place. Both religions are deferent yet they have many similarities.

International Student Essay

Introduction Everybody seeks for a better development whatever the difficulties it index bring. The decently to upbringing is a primordial human right (www. encyclopedia. com, 2008). Education seems to be the initial step toward the success of an individual(a) to reach his goal in his heart later on. As time passed by, the cut back of teaching reverses different. Part of which is the implementation of the piece-wide education. This system gives an opportunity to sectionalizationicular students to form world class learning. These people of our adjacent generation should be healthy realized in order to bring something remarkable in the near future.Countries like the coupled States of America give function the prime(a) destination for irrelevant students. Most conduce universities in this country is interlock of providing education among inappropriate students. However, being a foreign student is not an easy thing. It fairish like being a holidaymaker traveli ng in his preferred destination, the only(prenominal) thing is that these people seem to harbour more obligations not only in spite of appearance their study nevertheless as well as being a atypical citizen of their preferred country. These foreign students someways set virtu tout ensembley(predicate) a lot issues and difficulties that more or less cannister affect their studies.The flavor of a Foreign Student The liveliness of a foreign student tackles more complications and difficulties. First, they have to deal with the reality that they be in a place where they ar a complete stranger to everyone. away from that, they exit be a pop out from their families and love ones as well. Foreign students ar engage with a lot of sacrifices ion order to succeed something that will make them grow more and such thing is having a world class education. Mostly, students become subtlety shocked. specially if when east meets west. The difference in their culture and flavou rs somehow results to distinction.The usual argument about this matter is the inferiority that mostly western sandwich countries imply on eastern countries. Un halcyonly, up to this point, this bettericular incident is still predominate in most international schools and universities. The inequality based on the racial assort of the people or simply called racism creates a negation perception against the international education. Recently, incidents that argon related to this tends to be more knock-down-and-drag-out and inhuman. In Melbourne Australia, racism is making the life of foreign students miserable.It has been reported that the effects are becoming severe as racialist attacks in Melbourne are on the rise. The investigation has found out that 135,000 foreign students biography in Melbourne faced difficulties. (Racism, 2008) The discrimination is somehow unavoidable between cardinal opposing nations however, as education is part of the fundamental right of each indivi dual, thusly the difference between the color, race, culture, religion, or belief shouldnt be the reason for a student not to have the right for quality education (www. encyclopedia . com, 2008). other problem faced by these students is their in adequateness to tidy sumle the slope language fluently. The English language is the standard medium that is use by the schools and universities. And because these students came from different countries from all everyplace the world, obviously, it would be quite difficult for them to speak the language that they are not that capable of. This particular problem can somehow be minimized. The fact that they enter a university to gain knowledge and it would in like manner be necessary for them to have more mount up readings regarding the language itself.It would also be usurp to have some background about the country and the people in it to have more familiarization. Moreover, foreign students also take on problems regarding their finan ces. The expenses are usually higher equation to local education. Their financial expenses also entangle their school admissions, meals, accommodations, transportations, school projects, other individual(prenominal) necessities. However, students now a day can acquire part time jobs to encourage them cope up with their expenses while studying. In fact, this reliable activity will also help them manage their own expenses pull down if they are away from their family.Aside from that, students who are doing great in class are candidates for the scholarships that some universities granted their students. They provide this attribute of financial aid to extend their hand on students who are less fortunate but have the tendency to be outstanding in class. Again, it only shows that education is really for everybody, and even the status in life, shouldnt be a disability for one to acquire education. As of now, a lot of countries are providing scholarships among international students. They launch thiskind of program to provide more education from people across the globe. Lastly, foreign students also encounter technical problems specially the practise of their student visa. After the family 11 World Trade digest Bombing in the United States, the application for student visa have become more complicated. The government began to implement certain rules and policies so that the incident wont happen again. Certain restrictions and policies are also implemented in all countries for them to impede some illegalities concerning visa applications and tourist visitations. outcome As an individual seek for a better future, the hindrances are just part of it and it is something to consider about. Being a foreign student is definitely risky but as they believe in make their goals, nothing would be impossible for them. As they start their journey to give their selves the education that they truly deserve, most of them are also face with a lot of challenges that they wil l encounter along their way. However, despite of all the hardships that every foreign student must face, they should interference well determined and focused.In the first place, they are doing these sacrifices fro their families and their selves so that they would become successful in their life in the future. School and universities should also share their part as the institutions that provide educations. They must stay consistent on giving the ruff quality of education to these students who have been woefulness enough just to admit their selves in such university. Education is primary for everybody. allow us consider this as the private road force against the negativity that is uttered against it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Indian Marxist Critique Of Law And Justice Essays and Term Papers Essay

Indian bolshy recapitulation Of faithfulness And judge Essays and Term musical themes The bolshie Notion of police force as the Handmaid of victimization Is Ein truthwhere in Evidence (Keith Dickson). dis honke This get of Der Kaukadische Kreidekreis. The Marxist nonion of impartiality as the ser new wavet of exploitation is everywhere in evidence (Keith Dickson). Discuss this view of Der kaukasische Kreidekreis. Der kaukasische Kreidekreis, like many another(prenominal)(prenominal) of Brechts plays, is, at its heart, a platform for the dissemination of Marxist semipolitical orientation and a critique Premium1623 Words7 varlets transnational well-groundedityThe facial expression Rule of Law has been derived from the French phrase la principle de level-headedite, i.e. a Government based on the principles of employment of justice. In simpplied by the state in the governing of justice. The Rule of law, according to Gamer, is of en used barely to diethylstilbest rolcribe the state le words, the Premium33442 Words134 P get alongsIndian business relationshipIndian History and kitchen-gardening 1. Who wrote Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Hamare Dil Mein Hai ? (A) Mohammad Iqbal (B) Ramprasad Bismil (C) Kazi Nazrul Islam (D) Firaq Gorakhpuri Ans (B) 2. Who wrote the play Uttararamacharita ? (A) Harsha (B) Tulsidas (C) Bhawabhuti (D) Sudraka Premium24271 Words98 PagesHindu LawThis summon intention solelyy left blank T h e Spi r i T of h i n du L aw Law is as well as often perceived solely as state-based rules and institutions that offer a rational alternative to religious rites and contractable customs. The Spirit of Hindu Law uses the hindu legal tradition as a heuristic instrumental role Premium87613 Words351 PagesStudy Paper on Prospects for Civil Justice a Study PaperTUDY PAPER PROSPECTS FOR cultivated JUSTICE INTARIO lawfulness REFORM COMMISSION athletic field PAPER on PROSPECTS FOR CIVIL JUSTICE ONTARIO lawfulness REFORM COMMISSION A Study Paper by Roderick A. Macdonald with commentaries by Harry W. Arthurs William A. Bogart Premium130821 Words524 PagesIndian Secularism a Theological Response1. adit For many eld religion has been a dominant force in all human societies, embracing all aspects of human life. The founding was sought to be understood and explained in terms of religion. It was with the path breaking discovers in the military man of physical sciences and as well as the soci Premium4883 Words20 PagesIntl trade LawVancouver Seattle Tacoma Halifax Boston Philadelphia Oakland Los Angeles Long Beach billystick Wilmington Rouge Mobile Beaumont Houston Corpus Christi Veracruz Kingston south Louisiana New York/New Jersey Baltimore porthole of Virginia Charleston Savannah Jacksonville Port Everglades Miami San Juan Cr Premium529045 Words2117 Pages legal Standards and Accountabillity, a critical review of the Judicial Accountabillity Bill global Conference on Transparency and Accountability in Gove rnance Issues And Challenges- JUDICIAL STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTABILLITY Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodies? PREPARED BY- Premium6739 Words27 Pages literary criticism on damage as a Remedy for break away of make out Under Indian, American, English and Chinese Law. refresh on Damages as a doctor for break of contract under Indian, American, English and Chinese law. escort Law of Contracts pic Submitted to Submitted by Prof (D Premium8885 Words36 PagesA Critique of Indian NewspapersCONTENTS entry sport Story Sach ka Saamna Political Story Omar Abdullah and a devolve on Scandal societal Story Swine Flu Conclusions References instrument entranceway We live in Mass Societies where just close to citizens have little direct involvement in politics and where politicians Premium5216 Words21 PagesLaw JusticeModern-day communitarianism began in the upper reaches of Anglo-Americanacademia in the form of a critical reaction to John Rawls landmark 1971 earmark A system of Justic e (Rawls 1971). Drawing chiefly upon the insights of Aristotle and Hegel, political philosophers such as Alasdair MacIntyre, Mich Premium11624 Words47 PagesIndian administration political sympathies of India India is the largest democracy in the world. India has the biggest number of macrocosm with franchise rights and the largest number of political start outies, which take part in election campaign. In the 1996 national elections, some 600 million people voted and an average of 26 candida Premium5726 Words23 PagesLaw Law Related IssuesFUNDAMENTALISM conservative doing in American Protestantism arising outof the millenarian movement of the19th century and emphasize as fundamental to Christianity the literal interpretation and irresponsible inerrancy of the Scriptures, the imminent and physical Second Coming of savior Christ, the Premium18953 Words76 Pages companionable Justice in IndiaAn Inquiry into the Conditions of Social Justice in India Note 1. This study of justice concentrates on conditions of social justice in India and impart not include ecumenic issues of roughshod justice the design refers mainly to social justice and popular ideas of justice, as linked to, yet disti Premium4190 Words17 Pages earthy Law system consort to Jenkins, The infixed law possibleness begins with theories about the nature and purpose of the world and moves on to necessitate about the purpose of every action or object. The right thing to do is that which fulfils the natural purpose. Natural law was developed by Thomas doubting Thomas, in which he Premium6442 Words26 PagesIndian Political SystemAccording to our Constitution, India is a sovereign secular socialist representative republic. It has 28 states and seven Union Territories. With a population of approximately 112 crore, India happens to be the largest democracy in the world. 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When thought process of criminal justice, one may quickly refer to freehanded criminals, however, there is to a fault the new-fashioned justice voice of criminal justice. 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Irvington-on-Hudson, New York Critique of Interventionism primitively published in German 1929 as Kritik des Interventionismus republished 1976 under the same title by Gusta Premium30603 Words123 Pagesdistributive JusticeDistributive Justice (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Page 1 of 26 Open access to the family line is made possible by a world-wide financial support initiative. Please Read How You Can Help clutches the Encyclopedia Free Distributi ve Justice starting line published Sun Sep 22, 1996 substantive revise Mon Mar 5, Discuss and Evaluate the Explanation install Forward by Criminologist for the Problem of Crime. to What Extent Does Theory Influence Criminal Justice Policy and lend oneself? Question Discuss and evaluate the explanation put forward by criminologist for the problem of crime. To what extent does possibility influence criminal justice policy and practice? Control theory the question is not why do some people commit crime, but why so many people do not? What refrains them a Premium3208 Words13 PagesHierarchy in International LawHierarchy is not only a principle of rational thought but also of social organization or better, being a principle of rational thought, it necessarily implicates the way we think of social structure. Legal hierarchy even abstract legal hierarchy articulates and consolidates aparticular dist Premium4394 Words18 Pages rest period in the Admistration of JusticeChapter 6. Soci ological Theories of Drug debauch Introduction This chapter discusses sociological theories of substance use and abuse. For our purposes, sociological theories understand substance abuse as a societal phenomenon, having largely cultural, social, and economic origins or ties. much(prenominal) Premium11174 Words45 PagesProduction Process as a billet of CritiqueProduction Process as a Site of Critique Ethnographic Research into the intercede Interactions during (Documentary) Film Productions An van. 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Throughout the theorys history, formation, and eventual con Premium10056 Words41 PagesThe Most arouse Aspect of LawModule Economic Approaches to Law Module Code LADD040S7 Essay Title The most interesting aspect of the law and economics movement has been its aspiration to place the study of law on a scientific basis, with coherent theory, precise hypotheses deduced from theory, and existential tes Premium5905 Words24 PagesRawls Theory of JusticeRawls Theory of Justice A contemporary philosopher, John Rawls (1921-2002), is noted for his contributions to political and clean philosophy. In particular, Rawls discussion about justice introduced louver important concepts into discourse, including the two principles of justice, theoriginal Premium2973 Words12 PagesNature, Function and categorisation of LawTOPIC ONE NATURE, FUNCTION AND variety OF LAW Objectives of the course Enable the students to think in a more abstract or general fashion than is generally achieved in the study of item areas of law and demonstrate the same in tell questio ns. Enable the student to develop the Premium2917 Words12 PagesGeneral Theory of LawEvgeny Pashukanis The General Theory of Law and Marxism pic INTRODUCTION The Tasks of the General Theory of Law The general theory of law may be defined as the development of the basic, i.e. the most abstract ju Premium37367 Words150 PagesLiberal and MarxistUNIT 4 Structure 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 LIBERAL AND redness PERSPECTIVE Learning Outcome Introduction thought about the give tongue to The Liberal Perspective of the State The Marxist Perspective New Trends in Marxist and Liberal Thought Conclusion Key Concepts References and further R Premium10223 Words41 PagesMarx and LawJOURNAL OF LAW AND ordering VOLUME 20, NUMBER 4, WINTER 1993 0263-323X Marx and Law ANDREW VINCENT* There is no sense in which Marx can be described as just a legal theorist. He did not write any doctrinal works on legal science or jurisprudence however, his observations on law are some(prenominal) i Pr emium15253 Words62 PagesLaw and Punishment Definition ProjectPunishment Punishment (also known as chastise or penalty) is the authoritative imposition of something undesirable or unpleasant on, or the removal of something desirable or pleasant from, a person, animal, organization or entity in response to behavior deemed unacceptable by an individual, free radical Premium12621 Words51 PagesLaw courseLaw and Morality JRGEN HABERMAS Translated by Kenneth Baynes Boston University T HE T ANNER L ECTURES ON H U M A N V ALUES Delivered at Harvard University October 1 and 2, 1986 DR. JRGEN HABERMAS was born June 18, 1929, in Dsseldorf. H e studied in Gttingen, Zrich, and Bonn Premium19785 Words80 Pagesmarxist theory of crimeCJS 125 NOTES 1. Introduction Crime and modernity Prior to modern age crime and criminal behaviour in atomic number 63 had been explained for over a thousand years by spiritual notions. The influential theologian St Thomas Aquinas had argued that there is a God Given n atural law that is